

第1个回答  2011-01-12

⑴ 如果句子中的谓语动词是

⑵ 如果句子中的谓语动词是v.

① S.三→V-s
② S.→V.

I get up at 6. every day.
He goes to school by bus every day .


She sings well.
He is good at English .


The sun rises in the east.
Japan is to the east of China .


The film begins at 8 .
My train leaves at 10 a.m. .


⑹某些以here, there开头的句子通常用一般现在时表示正在进行的动作或状态,这类句子通常发生倒装,但如果句子的主语是人称代词,句子则不倒装。

Here comes the bus.
There they are .

⑴ be→am∕is∕are
肯:S.+ be +…
否:S.+ be + not+…
肯疑:Be + S.+ …?
Yes, S.+ be.∕No, S.+ be + not.
否疑:Be + not + S.+ …?
Yes, S.+ be.∕No, S.+ be + not.

⑵ V. →

① S.三
肯:S.三 + V-s + …
否:S.三 + does not ( doesn’t ) + V原+…
肯疑:Does + S. 三 + V原+…?
Yes, S.三+does.∕No, S.三 + doesn’t.
否疑:Doesn’t + S. 三 + V原+…?
Yes, S.三 + does.∕No, S.三 + doesn’t.

② S.
肯:S.+ V.+…
否:S.+ do not ( don’t ) + V原+…
肯疑:Do + S. + V原+…?
Yes, S.+ do.∕No, S. + don’t.
否疑:Don’t + S. + V原+…?
Yes, S.+ do.∕No, S.+ don’t.

构成 用法 公式


⑴ be→

Was — ( am, is )
Were — ( are )

⑵ V. →V-ed

I went to the zoo yesterday.
I stayed up last night ..


This morning , I got up early , went out for a walk , then came back and cooked for my family .


He worked in the store for 5 years.


⑸ used to do sth. 过去常常(习惯)做某事
be used to doing sth 一直习惯做某事

I used to get up early.
I am used to getting up early.

⑴ be→was∕were
肯:S.+ was∕were+…
否:S.+ was not (wasn’t )∕were not (weren’t) +…
肯疑:Was∕Were + S. +…?
Yes, S.+ was∕were.
No, S.+ wasn’t∕weren’t.
否疑:Wasn’t∕Weren’t + S. +…?
Yes, S. + was∕were.
No, S.+ wasn’t∕weren’t.

⑵ V. →V-ed
肯:S. + V-ed+…
否:S. + did not (didn’t )+ V原+…
肯疑:Did + S. + V原+…?
Yes, S.+ did.∕No, S.+ didn’t.
否疑:Didn’t + S. + V原+…?
Yes, S.+ did.∕No, S.+ didn’t.

构成 用法 公式


⑴ will∕shall+ V原+…


⑵ be going to+ V原+…


⑶ be to+ V原+…


⑷ be about to+ V原+…


[注] ⑵⑶⑷ be→am∕is∕are



[补] will∕shall与be going to区别:

A表意图时:be going to表示经过事先思考的意图;will∕shall表示说话人临时决定的意图。

B表预测时:be going to表示有迹象表明某件事情将要发生(客观);will∕shall表示说话人认为,相信某件事情将要发生(主观) 。

C表时间时:be going to表示马上,或者相当快的将来;will∕shall表示比这更远的将来。
⑴肯:S.+ will∕shall+ V原+…
否:S.+ will not (won’t)∕shall not (shan’t) + V原+…
肯疑:Will∕Shall + S.+ V原+…?
Yes, S.+ will∕shall.
No, S.+ won’t ∕shan’t.
否疑:Won’t ∕Shan’t + S.+ V原+…?
Yes, S.+ will∕shall.
No, S.+ won’t ∕shan’t.

⑵肯:S. + be going to+ V原+…
否:S. + be not going to+ V原+…
肯疑:Be + S. + going to + V原+…?
Yes, S. + be. ∕No, S. + be not.
否疑:Be not + S. + going to + V原 + …?

⑶肯:S. + be to+ V原+…
否:S. + be not to+ V原+…
肯疑:Be + S. + to+ V原+…?
Yes, S. + be. ∕No, S. + be not.
否疑:Be not + S. + to+ V原+…?

⑷肯:S. + be about to+ V原+…
否:S. + be not about to+ V原+…
肯疑:Be + S.+ about to+ V原+…?
Yes, S. + be. ∕No, S. + be not.
否疑:Be not + S. + about to+ V原+…?
Yes, S. + be. ∕No, S. + be not.

构成 用法 公式


⑴ would∕should+ V原+…

⑵ be going to+ V原+…

⑶ be to+ V原+…

⑷ be about to+ V原+…

[注] ⑵⑶⑷中be→was∕were



⑴肯:S.+ would∕should+ V原+…
否:S.+ wouldn’t∕shouldn’t + V原+…
肯疑:Would∕Should + S.+ V原+…?
Yes, S.+ would∕should.
No, S.+ wouldn’t ∕shouldn’t.
否疑:Wouldn’t ∕Shouldn’t + S.+ V原+…?

⑵肯:S.+ was∕were going to+ V原+…
否:S. + wasn’t ∕weren’t going to+ V原+…
肯疑:Was∕Were +S. + going to + V原+…?
Yes, S.+ was∕were.
No, S. + wasn’t ∕weren’t.
否疑:Wasn’t ∕Weren’t +S. + going to + V原+…?

⑶肯:S. + was∕were to+ V原+…
否:S.+ wasn’t ∕weren’t to + V原+…
肯疑:Was∕Were +S.+ to+ V原+…?
Yes, S.+ was∕were.
No, S.+ wasn’t ∕weren’t.
否疑:Wasn’t ∕Weren’t + S.+ to+ V原+…?

⑷肯:S. + was∕were about to+ V原 +…
否:S. + wasn’t ∕weren’t about to + V原+…
肯疑:Was∕Were + S.+ about to + V原+…?
Yes, S.+ was∕were.
No, S.+ wasn’t ∕weren’t.
否疑:Wasn’t ∕Weren’t + S.+ about to + V原+…?