英语补全对话A:can i help you? B:yes please I need to see my friend she is ill in the hospital I

A:can i help you?
B:yes please I need to see my friend she is ill in the hospital I have a map but it is in chinese and I only speak english How do I get there?
A:Do not worry Let me look at your map OK first( )Next( )then( )
B:HOW fsr is it from here?
A:it is about ( )
B:HOW long ( )
A:About( )
B:OK thank you so much!
A:you are welcome If you have a problem, you can( )

first( )Next( )then( ) 这三个空写怎么走。比如直走,转弯等等。

A:it is about ( ) 这个空写 大约多远。比如500meters.

B:HOW long ( ) 这个空写 大约花多少时间,即 will it take?

A:About( ) 这个空写 花多少时间,比如 1 hour.

A:you are welcome If you have a problem, you can( ) 这个空建议填写: ask me again. here is my cellphone's number.追问



