

倒装(Inverted Word Order)
Ⅱ、种类 : 完全倒装/全部倒装:全部谓语 + 主语
部分倒装:be / V助/ V情 + 主语 + (V行…)
一、部分倒装:be / V助/ V情 + 主语 + (V行…)
1. 具有否定意义的副词/连词放在句首,句子要部分倒装。
否定副词:never,hardly,rarely不常,很少地,barely几乎不,seldom,little,not,not until,not only,no longer,nowhere,by no means绝不,in no case绝不,at no time(从不,绝不),on no accounts绝不…
否定连词:① Hardly / Scarcely…had主语done ... when 主语did…
No sooner…had主语done ... than 主语did…
Hardly had I come into the classroom when it rained.
② Not only + 倒 + but (also) 不倒(前倒后不倒)
③ Neither + 倒 + nor + 倒
④ Not until + 状语(从句)+ 倒装句
Lucy didn’t went to bed until Lily came back.
倒装: Not until Lily came back did Lucy went to bed.
强调句:It was not until Lily came back that Lucy went to bed.
2. Only + 状语(从句)放句首时,句子部分倒装。
即:only / not until放在句首,后边没紧跟着n/pron,句子就部分倒装。
You can do well only in this way. Only in this way can you do well.
Only when he left his home did he realise how nice it was.
Only I can do it well.
3. So(肯定句“也”)/ Neither(Nor否定句“也不”)放在句首,表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一个主语时,句子倒装。但主语相同时,表示强调,译成“的确是,的确如此,确实是”,不倒装。(也就是说主语相同不倒装。)
当①主语即有人又有物②谓语动词既有be又有V行③既有肯定式又有否定式时,用It is the same with…或So it is with…都可以。
He can speak English. So can I.我也能
The chair is in the front of the classroom. So it is.的确是
Our teacher asked me to clean the classroom. I did so. 我照做了。
Peter is a good student and he works hard. It is the same with Tom或So it is with Tom.
4. so / such…that中,把so / such…放句首,句子倒装。
So + adj / adv + 部分倒装 + that从句
He is so angry that he can’t speak. So angry is he that he can’t speak.
It is such a good book that we all like it. Such a good book is it that we all like it.
5. if引导的虚拟条件状语从句中,可以把were / had / should提前,把if去掉。
Were I you , I would study hard.
6. often等具有肯定意义的表示时间频率的状语放句首,并且表示强调式,要部分倒装。
We often warned him not to do so. Often did we warn him not to do so.
7. as引导的让步状语从句,必须把表语/状语/动词原形放句首构成倒装。though引导让步状语从句放句首,倒不倒都可以。although引导让步状语从句放句首不倒装。
n / v / adj / adv + as + 主语 + ...
Clever as he is, he can’t work it out.
Child as he is, he knows a lot.
Hard as he works, he can’t pass the test.
Try as he may, he can’t finish it in time.
8. 疑问句(除问主语外)本身就是倒装句。
What are you doing?
二、全部倒装:全部谓语 + 主语…
1. 在以here, there, now, then, up, down, out, in, off, away等副词开头的句子中,要全部倒装。
地点 时间顺序 方向
谓语通常是be, come, go, stand, lie, live…表示移动、状态或存在的不及物动词。
(做题时只要谓语是be, come, go, stand, lie,live…表示移动或状态的不及物动词,句子就全部倒装,但是如果主语是代词,句子不倒装;主语是名词才倒装,而且是全部倒装。)
The boy rushed out. Out rushed the boy.
He rushed out. Out he rushed.
Here comes the bus.
Here it comes.
Here you are.
2. 将表语和地点状语(一般是表时间、地点、方向…的介词短语)放在句首加以强调时,其后要全部倒装,谓语动词和后面真正的主语保持一致。
A tree is in front of our house. In front of our house is a tree.
3. 直接引语一部分或全部放在句首时,句子全部倒装。
“What are you doing?” asked our teacher.
第1个回答  2012-10-21
第1个回答  2012-10-21