the vagetables 怎么用,有什么用法?

The price of the vagetables is three times what it was last year.这里the vagetables用的对吗? 还有其他类似的例子没?

the vegetables对的(注意拼写),如果硬要挑刺儿,可把复数前面的the去掉,不过这又应以上文未提及过为前提。
A good general diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables.

有毛病的是倍数表示法,three times后面是缺少东西的。
The price of vegetables is three times higher than that of last year.
The price of vegetables is three times as high as that of last year.
The vegetables are three times the price of last year.(建议此句)
The price of vegetables have increased three times since last year.
以上three times可用triple或threefold替换,而意思不变。
顺便说,2倍一般只能说twice和double,没有说two times、twofold的,也没有说twice/double times的。汉语中的“增加了”几倍,应该先算出总倍数再用英语直接说总倍数,因为英语是不区分“增加了”与“增加到”的。
第1个回答  2012-11-04
应该是不对的,vegetable虽然是可数名词,但是你既然后面说到它的价格是去年的三倍(what it was last year)显然用了单数的,那就应该用 the vegeable就可以了。(the的话表示特指的某种蔬菜)
如果只是vegetable的话,用复数的情况也是有很多的,比如说:There are all kinds of vegetables.(这里有各种各样的蔬菜。)
