
Generally speaking, we can do a lot of things on Internet: searching information, sending or receiving E-mails, talking with others on Internet, buying cheaper goods and so on. Besides, we are English Major students, we need more things on English to enrich our minds and boarden our views. I always browse through some websites like The New York Times or holy bibles to read world news or stories. And it helps me to enlarge my vocabulary and knowledge and also saves me a lot of time on searching newspapers and books in the library or bookstore. How amazing!

shopping on the Internet

Once the preserve of academics and scientists, the internet has emerged as a key platform to facilitate commerce and communication on a global basis. The internet continues to grow at exponential rates and is transforming the value chain of virtually every industry worldwide. Nearly 1 billion people, about 15 percent of the world's population, will be using the Internet by 2005 (CyberAtlas), and their use will fuel more than $5 trillion in Internet commerce. "With the dot-com stock crash and U.S. economic doldrums so much in the news, it's easy to lose sight of the explosive growth in Internet usage and commerce taking place below the surface," said John Gantz, IDC's chief research officer. "More than 100 million new users come onto the Web every year, and corporate volume purchasing over the Web is just getting cranked up. Add to that the proliferation of mobile phones and other Internet access devices that will allow people to access the Internet anytime, anywhere, and you have a scenario for explosive growth



以往在学者和科学家的维护下,因特网已经在全球范围内成为推动商业和通讯的关键平台.并以指数级速度迅速的发展起来,而且事实上正在逐渐改变着世界工业的价值链.将近10亿的人,大约占世界人口的15%,将在2005年都将使用因特网(来自全球最大网络调查公司CyberAtlas的调查 ),这将给网络贸易带来超过5万亿美金的利润.John Gantz,一位IDC的主要调查官员说:"随着.com网络上市公司的破灭和美国经济的萧条在新闻中相继报道,网络贸易很容易掩盖住因特网使用和网络贸易所带来的经济膨胀.每年有超过10亿的新成员开始使用网络,为网络集体采购作好准备.随着移动电话和其他网络设备的增加,都将引导人们随时随地的访问网络,这都为经济膨胀奠定基础."
第1个回答  2006-03-17

二 网上购物

从前在学者和科学家的维护下,因特网已经形成一个在全球基础上促进商务和通信的关键平台。因特网继续以指数级速度成长,而且事实上正在改变全世界每一种工业的价值链。接近十亿人,大约占世界人口的15%,将在2005年使用因特网(根据CyberAtlas报道),而他们使用因特网将给网上商贸带来5万亿美圆的营业收入。“这么多.com网络公司股票跌落和美国经济不景气的新闻,容易让人忽略了实际上正在发生的因特网使用及商务的爆炸性增长。”IDC公司首席研究官John Gantz说。“每年超过1亿新用户来到网上,而网上团体购买正在加快。再加上移动电话增殖业务和其它上网装置,将允许人们在任何时间、任何地点上网,你可以想象得到爆炸增长。”
第2个回答  2020-05-02