

中文里不论什么学校的“长”,都叫“校长”,英文里的“校长”的名称却有所不同。中小学(school)的校长,美国英语通常称为principal,英国英语现在通常称为head teacher,过去一般称为headmaster;大学校长则称president或chancellor.不过英国大学的chancellor是虚衔,可以译成“名誉校长”,真正的校长是Vice-chancellor.
“校长”显然指大学校长,应当译成university president.
I often hear university presidents say, "I treat my students as if they were my own children," their voices full of fatherly love. And indeed they act just like strict but loving parents, telling the students that they aren't allowed to walk around campus in slippers, that they shouldn't come late to class, that they shouldn't speak with food in their mouths, that they can't wear shorts in the classroom during the summer, that they have to sit up straight and be serious at weekly meetings, that they should get at least eight hours of sleep, that they have to finish using the showers and bathrooms before the lights are turned off in the dormitory, that everyone must get up for morning exercises at six a.m., that going to the cinema too often will interfere with their studies, that watching too much television will ruin their eyesight, that they should wash their hands before meals, and so on and so forth.