

The word "dinosaur" comes from the ancient Greek words "deinos" ("terrible") and "sauros" ("lizard"). Strictly speaking, dinosaurs refer to land dwelling creatures that dominated life on earth during the Mesozoic Era (225 million to 65 million years ago). They lived alongside with marine reptiles (such as ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs, plesiosaurs) and flying reptiles. As a group, dinosaurs existed for over 150 million years, occupying every type of environment and climate on Earth. They ranged in size from those as small as a chicken to others over 100 feet long and weighing nearly 100 tons. Dinosaurs did not achieve their great size or domination overnight - they evolved alongside reptiles and mammals, but managed to outcompete them. Were it not for the great Cretaceous extinction 65 million years ago, the mammals would not have evolved as they did, nor would human beings as we know them exist
恐龙种类多,体形和习性相差也大。其中个子大的,可以有几十头大象加起来那么大;小的,却跟一只鸡差不多。就食性来说,有温顺的 草食者
恐龙是出现于中生代多样化优势陆栖脊椎动物。“恐龙”一词是生物学家对英文Dinosauria即“恐怖的蜥蜴”的翻译,并不是中国传统文化中的“龙”。恐龙曾支配全球陆地生态系统超过1亿6千万年之久。恐龙最早出现在2亿3千万年前的三叠纪晚期,在大灭绝中脱颖而出,灭亡于约6千5百万年前的白垩纪晚期所发生的白垩纪末灭绝事件。在1861年发现的始祖鸟化石,与美颌龙化石极度相似,差别在于始祖鸟化石有着羽毛痕迹[1] ,这显示鸟类可能是恐龙的后代。
自从20世纪70年代以来,许多研究指出现代鸟类极可能是兽脚亚目K恐爪龙类恐龙的直系后代。大部分科学家视鸟类为唯一幸存发展至今的恐龙,而少数科学家甚至主张它们应该分类于同一纲之内。鳄鱼则是另一群恐龙的现代近亲,但两者关系较恐龙与鸟类远。恐龙、鸟类、鳄鱼都属于爬行动物的主龙类演化支,该演化支首次出现于二叠纪晚期,并在三叠纪中期成为优势水陆两栖动物群。恐龙(不包含鸟类)是群生存于陆地上的主龙类爬行动物,四肢直立于身体之下,而非往两旁撑开。[2] 许多史前爬行动物常被一般大众非正式地认定是恐龙,例如:翼手龙、鱼龙、蛇颈龙、沧龙、盘龙类(异齿龙与基龙)等,但从科学角度来看,这些都不是恐龙。
第1个回答  2012-11-25
第2个回答  2018-05-17
雪佛兰speak english。
第3个回答  2012-11-14
恐龙种类多,体形和习性相差也大。其中个子大的,可以有几十头大象加起来那么大;小的,却跟一只鸡差不多。就食性来说,有温顺的 草食者
Dinosaur Profile

Dinosaurs appeared in two hundred forty-five million years ago, and prosperity at the end of the Mesozoic reptiles 65 million years ago. , Or dinosaurs, and with it the same era plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and other fuzzy generic term. Dinosaurs in the Cretaceous period ended 65 million years ago when all of a sudden disappeared, a mystery of the evolutionary history of life on Earth, is still without a person who can answer this mystery. Creatures of the Earth in the past, are being recorded in the fossil. Mesozoic strata, that many dinosaur fossils have been found. Where you can see the bones of large or presents a wide range of shapes. However, in the following Cenozoic strata, but completely see less than the fossils of dinosaurs. We concluded that with the extinction of the dinosaurs in the Mesozoic.

Many kinds of dinosaurs, body shape and habits also big difference. Large sub then dozens of elephants together; small, but with almost a chicken. Docile herbivorous, feeding habits,
The meat eaters and violent, as well as meat and vegetables to eat omnivorous dinosaur.本回答被网友采纳