英汉互译。 1. 通常在星期六,我们喜欢在公园闲逛。 We ______ like ______ in the park on Satur

英汉互译。 1. 通常在星期六,我们喜欢在公园闲逛。 We ______ like ______ in the park on Saturday. 2. 我们班长喜欢在周末睡懒觉。 Our ______ likes ______ on weekends. 3. 昨天下了一整天雨,我们全身都淋湿了。 It rained all day yesterday, and we ______ ______. 4. 在一天快要结束时,我们坐公共汽车回到学校。 At the _____ ______ the day, we took the bus back to our school. 5. Smith put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale. (英译汉) ______________________________________

1. usually, hanging, out
2. monitor, sleeping, late
3. got, wet
4. end, of
5. 史密斯把他的一些旧东西摆到院子外进行现场旧货交易。
