


I can finally go home

    终于finally; eventually; at last; in the end; by-and-by

    回家go [come] home; be home; return home; come back home; get home

第1个回答  2018-01-05
Finally I can go home.
第2个回答  2018-01-05
It's time for home now!
第3个回答  2018-01-05
I can/may go home at last.
= I can come/get to go home. 我终于可以回家了。(注:get/come+不定式表示:终于,开始,逐渐地)
第4个回答  2018-01-05
"I can go home at last."

[名] home; family; household; a person or family engaged in a certain trade;
[代] (谦辞, 用于对别人称自己的辈分高或年... my;
[形] domestic; tame; internal;
How many persons are there in your family?