我理想的职业 工程师 英语作文 应该有人写这个很轻松吧,后天要用所以尽快 只要半分钟可以讲就行


My idealized career is engineering.Many people may mess the identity of engineers with the one of scientists. I use an easy example to help you distinguish them. On the same problem, scientists ask why and engineers ask why not. Scientists explore the world to find the general principles. Engineers design the world based on the general principles. I love this career because my parents lead me to watch media about engineering when I was a child. Our country is on the way of development. In the future, many engineers are needed to build our country. I believe engineers can help our country growth and strength. Engineers are people who are skilled. They have ability on analysis, design, Implementing, and troubleshooting. They are the one I admire. They are the one I would love to join.

