用be used to doing和used to do造句,每个结构造四句❲一般疑问句,特殊疑问

用be used to doing和used to do造句,每个结构造四句❲一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,陈述句和反意疑问句各一句,一共8句❳在线急等大神。。

1、be used to doing    I am used to staying late into night. 我习惯于熬夜。     Are you used to staying alone at home . 你习惯一个人待在家吗?     What is he used to doing? 他惯于干什么?     He was used to smoking, wasn't he? 他养成了吸烟的习惯 ,是吗?2、be used to do    This brush is used to paint pictures. 这把画笔(被)用来画油画。     Is it used to wash clothes? 它是用来洗衣服的吗?     What is this used to do? 这是(被)用来干什么的?     It is used to paper boxes, isn't it? 这是用来糊纸盒子的,是吗? 
第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-21
1、be used to doing

I am used to staying late into night. 我习惯于熬夜。
Are you used to staying alone at home . 你习惯一个人待在家吗?
What is he used to doing? 他惯于干什么?
He was used to smoking, wasn't he? 他养成了吸烟的习惯 ,是吗?

2、be used to do

This brush is used to paint pictures. 这把画笔(被)用来画油画。
Is it used to wash clothes? 它是用来洗衣服的吗?
What is this used to do? 这是(被)用来干什么的?
It is used to paper boxes, isn't it? 这是用来糊纸盒子的,是吗?本回答被网友采纳