

定语从句有很多种,引导词很多,如what, that, where,who/whom,which
修饰地点时用where, The place where I lived early is my hometown.
修饰物品时一般用that,what 或者which,根据具体情况判断,The apples that/what I bought are stll fresh. There are some chairs here, some of which are broken.
修饰人物时,一般用who 和whom, 用who 时,所修饰成分在从句中可以是主语或者宾语,如 The person who I saw in the street yesterday is my teacher. The person who is wearing glasses is my brother. 用whom时,所修饰成分在从句中必须是宾语。上面的句子The person who /whom I saw in the street yesterday is my teacher.所以一般情况下,都用who比较保险。
第1个回答  2012-08-09


第2个回答  2012-08-09

Who’s the boy that is reading a book? 正在看书的这个男孩是谁?(指人,作主语)
The man that you talked to is my uncle. 和你说话的那个人是我叔叔。(指人,作宾语)
The train that has just left is for Shanghai. 刚发车的这趟列车是去上海的。(指物,作主语)
Can you show me the photo (that) you like best? 你能把你最喜欢的这张照片给我看看吗?(指物,作宾语)
This is the girl whose math book is lost.这就是丢了数学书的女孩。(指人,作定语)
The house whose windows are closed is mine. 窗户都关着的这栋房子就是我家。(指物,作定语)
Look at the kites which are flying in the sky. 瞧瞧那些在空中飞舞的风筝。(指物,作主语)
The pen (which) I’m using is pretty good. 我正在用的这支笔相当好。(指物,作宾语)
Could you recognize the thief who stole your things? 你能认出偷了你的东西的那个小偷吗?(作主语)
The man (who) you want to meet has come.你要见的人来了。(作宾语)
I’d like to make friends with the girl whom you are talking to.我想和与你说话的这个女孩交朋友。(作介词宾语)
The man (whom) you want to meet has come.你要见的人来了。(作动词宾语)
when 既可引导限制性定语从句,又可引导非限制性定语从句。先行词是时间名词,在从句中充当时间状语,相当于“介词+which”。如:
Can you tell me the time when the film will start?
=Can you tell me the time at which the film will start? 请告诉我电影什么时候开始好吗?(限制性定语从句)
I will never forget the day, when I joined the Party.
=I will never forget the day, on which I joined the Party. 我入党的那一天,我永远不会忘记。(非限制性定语从句)
Is this the shoe factory where your father works?
= Is this the shoe factory in which your father works? 这是你父亲工作的鞋厂吗?
Please show me the place where the accident happened.
= Please show me the place at which the accident happened. 请带我到事故发生的现场去。
why只能引导限制性定语从句,先行词只有reason一词,在从句中充当原因状语,相当于:“for + which”。如:
Do you know the reason why he was late for school?
= Do you know the reason for which he was late for school? 你知道他上学迟到的原因吗?
Please tell me the reason why you won’t come.
= Please tell me the reason for which you won’t come. 请告诉我你不能来的原因。4)关系副词that的用法
(1)在定语从句中作时间状语。现行词有:each time, every time, anytime, the first time, the moment, the minute, the hour, etc. 但现代英语中,that往往省略。如:
Each time (that) I meet him, he will smile and say “hello”. 每次我会见他时,他都会笑着说“喂,你好!”
(2)在定语从句中作方式状语, 现行词是way, 如:
Can you show me the way (that) you solve the problem like this? 请告诉我你解决这类问题的方法好吗?
I don’t know the reason (that) he has left school now. 我不知道他辍学的原因。
(4)在定语从句中做其他状语,现行词如price, speed等,如:
I think the price (that) she sells her apple is too high. (that = at which) 我认为她卖苹果的价格太高。




1)先行词是指物的all, little, few, much, any, anything, something,everything, nothing, none, the one时。例如:
All that I can do has been done. 我能做的都已经做了。
He won’t tell you anything that he has heard about it.他不会告诉你他所听到的有关它的任何情况。
2)先行词前有all, little, few, much, any, every, no等修饰时。例如:
There is little work that is fit for you. 没什么工作适合你做。
I have eaten all the food that is left. 我把剩下的所有食物都吃了。
Which is the house that caught fire yesterday? 昨天失火的是那座房子?
4)先行词是there be 句型中的主语,且指物时。例如:
There are some apples on the table that are nice and sweet.桌子上有些非常甜的苹果。
It’s a book that will help you a lot. 这是一本对你有很大帮助的书。
It’s a sunny day that we are longing for. 这是我们所渴望的晴天。
Who’s the man that the teacher is talking to? 和老师谈话的这个人是谁?
---I have two smart birds.我养了两只可爱的鸟。
---Are they the two that you bought last week? 是你上星期买的这两只吗?
2)先行词被序数词以及last, next等修饰时。例如:
It’s the last bus that you can catch. 这是你可以赶上的末班车。
He stopped the fourth thief who was running away. 他把准备逃跑的第四个小偷拦截下来了。
You can choose the best that you think. 你可以挑选你认为是最好的。
This is the best film that I have seen. 这是我看过的最好的影片。
He’s the finest men that I have ever worked with.他是我共事过的最好的人。
4)先行词被the only, the very,the last, the just, the same 等修饰时。例如:
You’ve the only person that I met here. 你是我在这儿遇见的唯一的一个人。
This is the very shirt that I am looking for. 这正是我一直在寻找的衬衫。
She’s not the girl that she used to be. 她不再是过去的她了。
We often talk about the people and the things that we are interested in. 我们常常谈论我们感兴趣的人和事。


My dog ,which is now very old, became ill yesterday.我家的狗昨天病了,它已经非常老了。
The pen, which writes very well, cost me RMB 20. 这支笔花了我20元,它非常好写。
This is the classroom in which we studied last year. 这是我们去年在里面学习的教室。
Have you ever been to a farm on which there is a small zoo? 你曾经到过有个小动物园的农场吗?


The boy who helped you is my younger brother. 帮你忙的那个男孩是我弟弟。
Is the woman who rides a red bike every day your aunt? 每天都骑着一辆红色自行车那个女人是你姑姑吗?
2、先行词为指人的all, one,ones,someone,anyone,everyone,no one等代词时。例如:
One who doesn’t work hard will never get happiness. 不努力工作的人,永远得不到幸福。
Do you know anyone who can mend locks? 你认识会修锁的人吗?
3、先行词是there be句型中的主语,且指人时。例如:
There is a stranger who wants to see you. 有个陌生人想要见你。
Once there was king who was very silly. 从前,有个非常愚蠢的国王。
His father, who was ill in hospital for a year, died yesterday. 他父亲住了一年的院,昨天过世了。
I know the woman very well,who often wears a red T-shirt. 我非常了解那个妇女,她经常穿着一件红体恤衫。
I know the woman very well who often wears a red T-shirt. 我对经常穿着一件红体恤衫那个妇女非常了解。
A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you German. 教你们德语的新老师明天就会来。本回答被网友采纳