
1. It's reported that another bridge _____ over the river in two years.
A. will be built B. is being built C. has been built D. was built

2. ——What did your granddaughter say just now?
——She wondered _______.
A. what time was it
B. whether the book was written by Mark Twin
C. how could she use the Mp4
D. when she will have a final test

1. It's reported that another bridge _____ over the river in two years.
选A. will be built

解题的关键是时间状语 in two years 两年后,这是一个一般将来时
例如常见的 I will come back in a few minutes. 我几分钟之后回来。(我待会回来)
in two years, 根据题意,是“两年之后,将会有另外一座大桥建成”
将来时用 will
然后桥是“被建”的,用被动 be built
合起来就是 will be built 将会被建起来

如 A bridge is being built now.

C选项,是现在完成时, 一般会有例如 since..... 或者 for+一段时间, 或者 during.....等
如 This bridge has been built for 10 years. 这桥已经建成了10年了。

如 The bridge was built in1990.

2.She wondered ......
选B. whether the book was written by Mark Twin

主语she 谓语 wondered 后面加的是一个宾语成分,也就是说所选的选项是一个宾语从句

A 选项,应该是 She wondered what the time was.
C选项,应该是 She wondered how she could use the MP4
D 选项,应该是 She wondered when she would have a final test. (这里是因为主句是过去时wondered,所以从句要用she would..... 而不是she will)
第1个回答  2012-05-26
选择A in +时间段是将来时的标志 而build 和桥是被动关系 因此为一般将来时的被动语态 即 will be +动词的过去分词 built B表示现在进行时 C 和D表示已经建好了
选择B 此题考查宾语从句 而从句中必须是陈述语序 所以A 改为what time it was
C改为how she could use the MP4
D属于时态错误 主句为一般过去式 从句应为相应的过去式 即 when she would have a final test
第2个回答  2012-05-26
1选.A.in two years 将来的时间状语 桥是被建,需要被动。
2. wondered后是宾语从句,需要陈述语气,排除A.C.D时态不对。选B
第3个回答  2012-05-26
第4个回答  2012-05-26
1.表示将来 A 2. B wonder 与 whether 连用
第5个回答  2012-05-26
1A 2B