



Business Visa Requirements 商务签证
1.Formal invitation letter (original) 邀请函原件;
2.Copy of inviter's Company Registration in Nigeria 邀请公司营业执照复印件;
3.Two Copies of inviter's International passport or CERPAC Card (Green Card) 邀请人护照复印件,邀请人为中国人请提供长期居留绿卡复印件;
4.Original Dispatching Letter 国内公司派遣函原件
5.Bank Statement of the Dispatching Company 国内派遣公司银行对账单
6.Copy of Applicant's International Passport Data Page 申请人护照复印件
7.Online Visa Application Form (with one recent passport photograph attached) 在线签证申请表格(附一张护照照片)
8.Documentary evidence of online payment 在线支付付款凭证
9.Possession of return air tickets / itinerary 往返机票
10.Evidence of hotel reservation / Accomodation 尼日利亚酒店预定单

TWP (Temporary Work Permit) Requirements 临时工作签证
1.Formal invitation letter (original) 邀请函原件
2.Copy of inviter's Company Registration in Nigeria 尼方邀请公司营业执照复印件
3.Copy of inviter's passport/resident permit 邀请人护照复印件,邀请人为中国人请提供长期居留绿卡复印件;
4.Original Dispatching Letter 国内公司派遣函原件
5.Bank Statement of the Dispatching Company国内派遣公司银行对账单
6.Copy of Applicant's International Passport Data Page申请人护照复印件
7.Online Visa Application Form (with one recent passport photograph)在线签证申请表格(附一张护照照片)
8.Documentary evidence of online payment在线支付付款凭证
9.Possession of return air tickets / itinerary 往返机票
10.Evidence of hotel reservation / Accomodation. 尼日利亚酒店预定单
11.Original & copy of telegraphic advise issued by the Comptroller General of Immigration 临时工作许可原件及复印件

STR (Subject to Regularisation) Requirements 长期工作签证
1.Invitation letter (original and copy) 邀请函原件及复印件
2.Certificate of Incorporation (2 copies) 尼方邀请公司营业执照复印件(2份)
3.Copy of Passport / Green Card of signatory (2 copies) 邀请人护照复印件,邀请人为中国人请提供长期居留绿卡复印件;(2份)
4.Formal letter of employment & contract agreement (original and copy) 正式的雇佣信函及合同原件及复印件
5.Expatriate quota of employing organization (original & 2 copies) 配额原件及2份复印件
6.Employee's acceptance letter (2 copies) 受雇者接收函 2份
7.Resume (2 copies) 受雇者个人简历 2份
8.Passport copy of applicant (2 copies) 申请人护照复印件 2份
9.Online visa Payment slip with one recent passport photograph (2 copies) 在线申请支付凭证 付护照照片 2份
10.Online visa application Form 在线签证申请表格
11.Possession of air ticket 机票
12.Two copies of completed STR forms with with recent photos attached. STR申请表格两份 付近期照片
13.Notarized educational qualification or professional qualification 外交部及尼使馆认证的学历或职业技术公证书
14.Notarized health certificate including HIV/AIDS Test page 外交部及尼使馆认证的健康体检公证书
其实资料齐全可以自己试着去面签 比较简单!

第1个回答  2016-01-07


Business Visa Requirements 商务签证
1.Formal invitation letter (original) 邀请函原件;
2.Copy of inviter's Company Registration in Nigeria 邀请公司营业执照复印件;
3.Two Copies of inviter's International passport or CERPAC Card (Green Card) 邀请人护照复印件,邀请人为中国人请提供长期居留绿卡复印件;
4.Original Dispatching Letter 国内公司派遣函原件
5.Bank Statement of the Dispatching Company 国内派遣公司银行对账单
6.Copy of Applicant's International Passport Data Page 申请人护照复印件
7.Online Visa Application Form (with one recent passport photograph attached) 在线签证申请表格(附一张护照照片)
8.Documentary evidence of online payment 在线支付付款凭证
9.Possession of return air tickets / itinerary 往返机票
10.Evidence of hotel reservation / Accomodation 尼日利亚酒店预定单

TWP (Temporary Work Permit) Requirements 临时工作签证
1.Formal invitation letter (original) 邀请函原件
2.Copy of inviter's Company Registration in Nigeria 尼方邀请公司营业执照复印件
3.Copy of inviter's passport/resident permit 邀请人护照复印件,邀请人为中国人请提供长期居留绿卡复印件;
4.Original Dispatching Letter 国内公司派遣函原件
5.Bank Statement of the Dispatching Company国内派遣公司银行对账单
6.Copy of Applicant's International Passport Data Page申请人护照复印件
7.Online Visa Application Form (with one recent passport photograph)在线签证申请表格(附一张护照照片)
8.Documentary evidence of online payment在线支付付款凭证
9.Possession of return air tickets / itinerary 往返机票
10.Evidence of hotel reservation / Accomodation. 尼日利亚酒店预定单
11.Original & copy of telegraphic advise issued by the Comptroller General of Immigration 临时工作许可原件及复印件

STR (Subject to Regularisation) Requirements 长期工作签证
1.Invitation letter (original and copy) 邀请函原件及复印件
2.Certificate of Incorporation (2 copies) 尼方邀请公司营业执照复印件(2份)
3.Copy of Passport / Green Card of signatory (2 copies) 邀请人护照复印件,邀请人为中国人请提供长期居留绿卡复印件;(2份)
4.Formal letter of employment & contract agreement (original and copy) 正式的雇佣信函及合同原件及复印件
5.Expatriate quota of employing organization (original & 2 copies) 配额原件及2份复印件
6.Employee's acceptance letter (2 copies) 受雇者接收函 2份
7.Resume (2 copies) 受雇者个人简历 2份
8.Passport copy of applicant (2 copies) 申请人护照复印件 2份
9.Online visa Payment slip with one recent passport photograph (2 copies) 在线申请支付凭证 付护照照片 2份
10.Online visa application Form 在线签证申请表格
11.Possession of air ticket 机票
12.Two copies of completed STR forms with with recent photos attached. STR申请表格两份 付近期照片
13.Notarized educational qualification or professional qualification 外交部及尼使馆认证的学历或职业技术公证书
14.Notarized health certificate including HIV/AIDS Test page 外交部及尼使馆认证的健康体检公证书
其实资料齐全可以自己试着去面签 比较简单!
第2个回答  2012-05-23
第3个回答  2020-12-01
SONCAP是Standards Organization of Nigeria Conformity Assessment Program的缩写,是尼日利亚强制性合格评定程序的意思。SONCAP是尼日利亚联邦政府实施的检查控制不合格不安全产品出口到该国的一项新政策。SONCAP从2005年9月1日起开始生效,并给予了90天的宽限期,即于2005年12月1日起正式执行。2013年03月01日尼日利亚标准局正式发布了新的SONCAP操作流程,每家独立的第三方机构将直接签发SONCAP认证,由进口商凭有效的SC向尼日利亚标准局(SON)申请SONCAP证书(SC)。 

1,出口商或制造商申请PC证书;PC是Product Certificate的缩写。
2,出口商申请COC证书;COC是Certificate of Conformity的缩写。
三、把PC证书给尼日利亚客户,他们会申请From M Number;
四、客户申请From M 后,交给厂家From M Number,等待出货;
五、装箱单,提单,商业发票,PC证书,From M Number一起提交申请SC证书;