帮我做一篇英语阅读 在线13

CC13. The Lion and the Mouse
One day a little mouse went out to find something to eat. He ran carefully through some tall grass. He ran into a strong lion. The lion caught the little mouse. He held the mouse tightly and would not let him go away.
“Please let me go, Mr Lion,” said the little mouse. ‘One day I will help you when you need some help.” The lion laughed. “How could a little mouse help a big lion,” he thought. “Very well,” he said, “I will let you go. But you must walk more carefully.”
The mouse was very grateful. “Thank you,” he said, “You are very kind. I will never forget you and I will help you some day.”
The next week the mouse was again looking for something to eat. He saw the lion was tightly tied in a net of strong ropes. He could not move.
“Don’t worry, Mr Lion,” said the little mouse. “I will come to help you out.”
The little mouse bit through one of the ropes. His teeth were sharp. Then he bit through another rope, and then another. Soon the lion was free. He was very pleased.
“Thank you, Little Mouse,” said the strong lion “ Thank you very much.”
Choose the correct answer to each question:
1. Where did the mouse meet the lion?
A. In the field B. In the forest C. Among the bushes D. Among the tall grass.
2. What did the lion do when he saw the mouse?
A. He caught the mouse. B. He bit the mouse.
C. He talked to the mouse. D. He let the mouse go away.
3. What did the mouse promise to do? The mouse promised ___________________.
A. to bit through the ropes for the lion B. to send some food to the lion
C. to help the lion when he was in trouble if the lion would set him free
D. to walk more carefully among tall grass next time
4. What trouble did the lion get into next week?
A. He was caught and tied to a tree. B. He was caught and tied with strong ropes.
C. He was caught and tied in a net of strong ropes.
D. He was caught and tied in a strong wooden cage.
5. How did the mouse help the lion? The mouse ______________________.
A. tore open the net for the lion. B. bit through the strong ropes of the net
C. bit a hole in the net for the lion to come out through it
D. sent the lion lots of meat to eat and some water to drink.

根据原文:He ran carefully through some tall grass. He ran into a strong lion.
根据原文:The lion caught the little mouse. He held the mouse tightly and would not let him go away.
根据原文:“Please let me go, Mr Lion,” said the little mouse. ‘One day I will help you when you need some help.”
根据原文:He saw the lion was tightly tied in a net of strong ropes.
根据原文:The little mouse bit through one of the ropes. His teeth were sharp. Then he bit through another rope, and then another. Soon the lion was free. He was very pleased.