

第1个回答  2012-03-31
April 15, 1912, carrying1316passengers and891 crew luxury ship" Titanic" collision with an iceberg and sank, this shipwreck is considered to be one of the ten major disaster in twentieth Century. 1985," Titanic" remains of the shipwreck in the North Atlantic seabed two miles half was found. American Explorer Lovett submerge myself in the cabin of the wall he saw a picture, maintain that attracted the attention of an old lady. Is already 102 years old rose claimed that she is the girl. In the diving, rose began to describe the story of her year.

April 10, 1912, known as" the history of the world's industrial miracle" of the" Titanic" set out from the British Southampton to the United States of New York. Rich girl rose and her mother and fiance Carle on board together, the other side, uninhibited young artist Jack on the pier of a gamble to win the tickets. Rose early see Carle is a real snob, from the bottom to marry him, or even to throw herself into the sea. Critical moment, Jack grasped the young girl rose, two young people from each.

To resolve the sad hearts of young girls, with Jack rose to discover the joy of life. Fast, beautiful and handsome rose lively cheerful love of Jack, rose, took off his clothes, put on her necklace Carle sent, to Jack for her portraits, as a testimony of their love. When they make love," Titanic" hit an iceberg.

Extremely brutal tragedy, the Titanic chaos, in the critical moment, the human nature of good and evil, more noble and despicable. Jack the chance of survival to give the wife Rose, himself was frozen in ice.

Look old and clumsy Rose finished this period of mourning and the love of heaven and earth, put the string of very valuable jewelry into the sea, let it accompany Jack and the love buried seabed.

