find /find out /look for的区别


1.find 强调找的“结果”,意指偶然发现或发现。
For example: 1)I found Mary reading a novel when passed his classroom.
2) I looked for my watch everywhere yesterday , but I couldn't find it .
2.look for 强调寻找的“动作”,不涉及结果。
For example:I'm looking for my friend--Gave. Have you ever seen it,Tom ?
3.find out 强调“找出、查明、弄清楚”强调是通过hu调查,计算,实验,询问和努力得知
For example:1)you'd better find out the time of the next plane, so that we can book our tickets ahead of time.
2)I'll find out who has broken the window.
第1个回答  2014-02-20
Find 和look for 都有“寻找”的意思.

I have found my watch.我找到了我的表。

Look for 表示“寻找”的过程和动作。例如:
What are you looking for ?你在找什么?
They were looking for their teacher everywhere. at last they found him at the library.他们到处寻找老师,最后在图书馆找到了他。

find out是个短语动词,表示“搞清楚”、“弄明白”的意思,而且是经过研究、计算、探询等获知,得知。例如:
Please find out when the train starts.请查明火车什么时候开。
Find out the answers from two of your friends。从你的两个朋友那里找到答案。(用find out,表示句中的主语是通过打听、询问后才得到答案的。)
第2个回答  2012-03-30
find 和 find out 都是发现或偶然发现,find out多用于强调是通过调查,计算,实验,询问和努力得知的。。find完全涵盖find out,可以强调找出某物地点。。look for是寻找,跟另外两个完全不一样啊。。
第3个回答  2012-03-31
look for 表示“寻找”,强调找的动作,不强调是否找到。

Find out 表示“发现,查明”强调结果。如:

I am looking for my book. 我正在找我的书。(还没找到)

I found out a secret. 我发现了一个秘密。(强调结果)