怎样区别other ,the other ,others,the others



Students are clean the classrome.Some are clean the window,other are sweep the floor.
the other特指两个中的另一个,有固定搭配one…the other

There are two bag on the desk.One is mine,the other is his.
others是代词,等于other people,other students等

I don't like the man who always thinks more of himself than of others.
another是另一个的意思,等于one more,没有上限,在点餐或买东西时较为常用,通常译为 再一个

Please give me another cake.你可以一直要下去,说同一句话,无论你已经吃了几个,只要你还有钱~~
第1个回答  2007-11-30
the other 只能和 one 搭配, 也就说前面有one后面才能用the other.
other 是修饰名词的,后面一定跟名词单数.
第2个回答  2019-10-11

如何区分使用other,the other, others, the others, another?请听Susan老师为你讲解!