


一. 听句子选择正确的图画. (5分) 每小题听两遍.
二. 听对话回答问题: (5分) 每小题听两遍.
三: 听选信息. (5分) 短文听三遍
一: 单项选择.
1.---How often do you usually play soccer?
A. Next week B. Twice a week C. One day
2. Drinking milk every day is good _A__ our health.
A. for B. to C. at
3. What’s the matter _B___ you?
A. for B. with C. to
4. _A___ difficult to climb that mountain in rain.
A. It’s B. That C. This
5. ---__A___do you go to visit your grandparents?
--- Three times a month.
A. How often B. How many C. How long
6. Last night, I didn’t sleep __A____.
A. well B. good C. fine
7. The teacher asked those boys _B____ so much noise.
A. do not make B. not to make C. not make
8. My good friend _B____ this evening.
A. coming B. is coming C. come
9. I felt very _C___ when I heard the ____ news.
A. excited; excited B. exciting; exciting C. excited; exciting
10. I remember you came to see me _C___ a cold Tuesday evening.
A. in B. at C. on
12. Your mom and I decided _B____somewhere in China.
A. go B. to go C.to going
13. I want to do __C____.
A. different something B. anything different C. something different
14. _B___is it from your home to school? --- Twenty minutes’ walk.
A. How long B. How far C. How often
15.. Look! She is __A______.
A. practicing the piano B. practicing piano C. practice the piano
16. ---Is Mr. Brown living here? ---No , he moved _A__ last week.
A. to somewhere else B. somewehre else C. else somewhere
17. . ---Can you come over to my house? ---__A____.
A. Of course, I’d like to B. I can’t go there C. No, I won’t go
18.. The boy isn’t short. He is much _B____ than before.
A. tall B. taller C. short
19. I want to _A__ some money from you. Could you ____ it to me?
A. borrow; lend B. lend, borrow C. borrow; keep
20. Michael Jordan is an American _C_____ player.
A. soccer B. table tennis C. basketball
21. Please remember to __A___ the light before you leave the room .
A. turn off B. turn on C. turn up
22. ---Could you please _B___ your clothes? ---Certainly, mom.
A. fold B. make C. do
23. I _C____ a dictionary in the bookshop last week.
A. buy B. buied C. bought
24. ---_A___ beef do you want/ ---Half a kilo.
A. How much B. How many C. How many kilo
25. . ---When _C___ you born? ---I was born _____ June 2nd 1993.
A. did, on B. was ; in C. were, on
26. .--- Could you sweep the floor ? --- __C___. I have to do my homework.
A. Yes, I do. B. No, I couldn’t C. Sorry, I can’t
27. Although he is poor, _B___ he is happy.
A. but B. / C. so
28. Do you enjoy _C____chores?
A. do B. did C. doing
29. He __B___ the bed after I get up every day.
A. does B. makes C. holds
30. The doctor told the worried woman to take C___ her sick baby.
A. good care B. well care C. good care of

二: 完形填空:
Is it better to have different teachers every year, or have the same ones year 1 year?
Soemtimes, I wish that our teachers would be the same. I think that having familiar(熟悉的) teachers makes tests and learning 2 .
But sometimes it is good to have a new face because it helps you to get 3 the one you might not like.
Some of my classmates love every teacher and always get A’s. But some hate every teacher and so 4 in class.
In Social Studies this year, we have a new teacher . Her name is very difficult to 5 , so we call her Mrs. B. She is nice. She smiles a lot . We are happy in her class and learn quickly.
Last year our Social Studies teacher was not 6 Mrs. B. I called her Mrs. H. When she came into the classroom, everything 7 quiet. Most of the students were afraid of her. Sometimes she would get very angry and shout at us.
I’m glad that this year I have a different Social Studies teacher.
In language Arts my teacher is not new. I had her last year. That is very unusual! I like her classes and have learnt a lot from her. And she likes me. Even if I’m 8 late for class, she doesn’t mind very much.
Last year I had a strange maths teacher. She put pictures of flowers and animals on the wall of the classroom. And she said that people thank faster 9 there is music around . In her tests, she always played music. But it didn’t 10 me because I got used to(习惯) it.
1.A. in B. after C. by
2. A. herder B. heavier C. easier
3. A. away B. out C. away from
4. A. well B. bad C. badly
5. A. say B. tell C. speak
6. A. called B. liked C. call
7. A. sounded B. heard C. went
8. A. a little B. a little of C. a few
9. A.after B. before C. when
10. a. hurt B. trouble C. help

三: 阅读理解:
Sang Lan May Appear in Pingpong Games
Twenty-two-year-old Chinese woman gymnast Sang Lan, who broke her neck at Goodwill Games in 1998, has lately expressed the desire to take up table tennis as her second sport profession and hopes to take part in 2008 Paralympic Games.
“I will return to competition in 2008. A gold medal in Beijing Olympics is all I want.” Sang said.
In the past Paralymic Games, those who have lost their hands still have the ability to play with an arm. So long as she has the will to take up pingpong games, according to Sang Lan, she may join in like matches with opponents of her same grade, according to Paralympic medical classification.
1. What sport did Sang Lan play before?
A. tennis B. table tennis C. gymnastics D. pingpong
2. Why didn’t she go on her sport profession?
A. Because she found pingpong more interesting.
B. Because she didn’t like it any more.
C. Because she will take part in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
D. Because she broke her neck and couldn’t play any more.
3. The Paralympic Games is ____.
A. the Olympic Games for people with no hands
B. the Olympic Games for people with disabilities(残疾).
C. held in Beijing in 2008 D. liked by Sang Lan
4. SangLan hopes _____.
A. to get better soon B. to take part in 2008 Beijing Olympics
C. to take part in 2008 Paralympic Games.
D. to play at Goodwill Games again
5. Which of the following sentence is true?
A. Snag Lan broke her neck at the Olympic Games in 1998.
B. Sang Lan has taken up table tennis.
C. Sang Lan will win a gold medal in Beijing Olympics
D. Sang Lan may join in like matches with opponents of her same grade.
Live Music—Late Night Jazz
Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player. He is known to play well into the early hours, so don’t want to get much sleep.
PLACE: The Jazz Club DATES: 15-23 June
PRICE: $ 10 -15 TIME: 10 p.m. till late
TEL: 4668736
Scottish Dancing
Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The funtastic dance from England will be given.
PLACE: Jack Stein’s DATES: 10-25 May
PRICE: $ 15 TIME: 7-10 p.m.
TEL: 4021877
There are 12,000pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history.
PLACE: Anhui Museum DATES: 1 May-30 June
PRICE: $ 6 ($ 3 for students) TIME: Monday –Friday 9a.m.-5p.m.
TEL: 488688 Weekends 9a.m. -9p.m.
Your pen pal is coiming from Australia to your city for a holikay . You send him this e-mail to tell him soimthing about the hotel.
1 Oct.-3 Dec.
1Jan.-31 Mar.
1 April-30 April(closed)
1 May- 31 May
1Jun. -30 Sep. Prices( a night) Prices (a night)
$16.8 $19.8
$14.8 $17.8
…… ……
$18.8 $21.8
$20.8 $ 24.8
根据短文内容, 判断下列各句的正(T)误(F).
1. I want to enjoy jazz music, I should go to Jack Stein’s.
2. If you are a student, it’s cheaper for you go to visit the Anhui Museum .
3. If you want to know further information about the Jazz Club, just dial 488688.
4. If your fiend comes on 4 April, you can ask him to stayed in the Sun Hotel, because it’s cheaper.
5. A foreigner can go to Anhui Museum to know more about the history of China.
四: 单词拼写:根据中文意思或首字母写出正确的单词.
1. Please keep warm in winter or you may get a c________.
2. They watched a dolphin s__________ yesterday.
3. You don’t need to help him p_________ the banana.
4. If you have a toothache, you go to see a d_________.
5. I need two s_______ of bread first.
6. A man named Sandwich made s___________ many years ago in America.
7. Please p______ the milk into the blender.
8. She’s much vore a_________ than her siser.
9. I want to b________ a singer in the future.
10. He worked for a long time and r_________ last week.
11. Now he is much ___________(富有)than before.
12. The _________(游客) visiting the aquarium.
13. To keep __________(健康), she exercises every day
14. They all want to be ____________(工程师).
15. Can you play _________(网球) with me?
16. Circle Theater has much _____________(舒适的) seats.
17. I will have a __________ (钢琴)lesson tomorrow?
18. They will go ___________(观光) next month.
19. She is on __________(假期) with her parents
20. You __________(折叠) your clothes by yourself .

五: 句型转换( 10分, 每空0.5分)
1. He is going to be an actor. (改成复数形式)
They ________ _________ to be ______________.
2. Does he his homework every day? (同上)
_______ they do ________ __________ every day?
3. It’s about 5 kilometers from my home to the school. (就划线部分提问)
_______ _______ is it from my home to the school?
4. He goes to visit his grandparents once a week. (同上)
_______ ________ _______ he _______ to visit his grandparents?
5. I usually take the bus to school. (同上)
______ ________ you usually go to school?
6. He worked in the bank for 30 years.( 同上)
______ ________ _______ he ________ in the bank?
7. Take out your book, please. (改成否定句)
_____ ______ out your book.
8. I think he is a doctor. (改成否定句)
I _______ think he ______ a doctor.
9. I had some bread this morning. (改成否定句)
I _______ _______ _______ bread this morning.
10. Mike won a prize that time. (改成一般问句)
_____ Mike _____ a prize that time?
11.His favorite subject is English. (改成同义句)
He______ English ______ of all the subjects.
12. Kate is thirteen. Jack is fifteen. (改成同义句)
Kate is ________ ________ _______ _______ Jack
13. You are too young to go to school. (改成同义句)
You are ______ _________ _______ ________ go to school.
14. He could cook when he was five years old. (改成同义句)
He could cook ________ _______ _______ ______ five.
六: 完成句子: (10分: 每题2分)
I want to go to ________ ___________ on summer vacation.
______ ______ _______ you do ______ Sunday?
3. 那可怜的小孩周末还要上钢琴课.
The little child has to _______ ______ ________ __________ on weekends.
4. 我可以借用一下你的唱机吗?
_______ I _________ your CD player?
5. 你长大后打算做什么?
What are you going to be when you ______ _______?
6. 谁是你们市里最受欢迎的流行歌手?
Who is _________ ________ _______ _______ _______ in your city?
7. 他在大学里主修计算机.
He ________ _______ ________ in the university.
8. 他每天都骑车上学.
He _______________________________ every day.
9. Thomas经常饭后带女儿去散步.
Thomas often _________ her daughter ______ _______ ______ after dinner.

七: 读写综合(略)
(A)阅读下面短文, 完成信息卡:
