用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空小题1:Xiao Li promised to chat with me on the Internet, but so far h

用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空小题1:Xiao Li promised to chat with me on the Internet, but so far he __________ (not do) so.小题2:At the moment we have too much to do __________ (think) of doing anything else.小题3:Last Friday afternoon the young man __________ (hurt) in the traffic accident which happened on the highway.小题4:Sound __________ (travel) through air at a speed of about 340 meters per second.小题5:Food cannot __________ (keep) properly in a fridge at an unsuitable temperature.小题6:The snow __________ (stop) when she woke up and the sun was shining brightly.小题7:Every one of us was excited, for in a few minutes we __________ (see) Liu Xiang appear on the sports ground.小题8:The Women’s World Cup __________ (not begin) until 1991 when China hosted it in Guangzhou.小题9:Understanding yourself is very important to __________ (build) self-confidence.小题10:On Earth, gravity keeps our feet on the ground and makes anything we drop __________ (fall) towards the ground.

小题1:hasn’t done
小题2:to think
小题3:was hurt
小题5:be kept
小题6:had stopped
小题7:would see
小题8:didn’t begin

小题1:本题的含义为到目前为止,他还没有做这样的事情,本题表示完成时态的否定形式,故本题空格处填hasn’t done。
小题2:本题的含义为现在我有太多的事情要去做,而不能考虑做别的事情,too……to表示太……而不能,故本题空格处填to think。
小题3:本题的含义为上个星期五年轻人在事故中受伤了,本题表示被动的含义,故本题空格处填受伤的被动结构was hurt。
小题5:本题的含义为食物不能够被保存在冰箱里,表示被动的意思使用be+动词的过去分词,故本题空格处填be kept。
小题6:本题的含义为当她醒来的时候,大雪停止了,本题主句为过去完成时,结构为had+动词的过去分词,故本题空格处填had stopped。
小题7:本题后半句的含义为几分钟之后我们将能够看到刘翔出现在体育场上,使用过去将来时,用would+动词原形,故本题空格处填would see。
小题8:本题的含义为女子世界杯直到1991年才开始,not……until表示直到……才的含义,故本题空格处填didn’t begin。