
提出建议还要说说理由 80字左右即可 要以写信的方式写
还有 如果可以的话 最好写你的朋友太胖了 为此感到烦恼 给他提建议 拜托了!

第1个回答  2014-04-21
Dear my friend,

How are you these days?

I know you get bored with your body thesedays. It’s the same concern to me a couple of years ago. But it can be figuredout by the following methods. First, you need make a plan for your food you eatevery day. Some of your favorite cuisine may have too much fat and cholesterol, which may cause youroverweight directly. Of course, you also need increase your sport course, whichcan make you burning excess fat. Hope you can solve your problem by go throughmy suggestions.

Your name
Best wishes.