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Shakespeare as Britain's most outstanding Renaissance masters, Marx was known as the "greatest drama of the gifted." Shakespeare's works is almost a tragedy in the world, "Romeo and Juliet" Millennium sung a thousand tears flow; "Hamlet" a happy prince of melancholy is not too shocked a large number of people ... ... but his comedy is also worth Time to read.

Shakespeare's plays, "The Merchant of Venice" is to explore the old money and timeless topics. Money is the world's most valuable things you? There is something even more precious than money? Rich and moving story of family ties, love and pay for the Acura, witty dialogue, the plot turn, exaggerated the circumstances of Comedy, romance and legend is full of color. Is intertwined with friendship, love, love the world and lead us to understanding what is important in life, the value of humor ... ... a vehicle of a deep connotations!追问


第1个回答  2014-02-05
The Merchant of Venice
Portia was a rich man's daughter. According to her father‘s will, she got three boxes: a gold box, a silver one , and a lead one (铅盒). If somebody chosed the box contained her portrait,then she would marry the man.
Then, suitor(求婚者) from all corners of the world gathered here to marry this fairy maiden.
Venice:in the town ,a young man named Bassanio who heared about this news determined to win Portia. However, he needed three thousand ducat(硬币)to reach his goal.For lack of money,he had to turn to his good friend, rich merchant Antonio for help.
Unfortunately,at this time , Antonio’s money was put into the business,he couldnot withdraw it right now.To help his best friend ,Antonio was forced to borrow money from a wealthy Jewish scrivener(放债人) Shylock.
Shylock was a usury(高利贷).Different from Shylock ,Antonio lent money to people and never accepted interest. But this time,Shylock agreed to lend Antonio money without interest. He put forward a strange request.If Antonio could not repay the debt on time , he could cut a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body.And Antonio signed the contact.
With money ,Bassanio went to chase Portia.Luckily,he chose the lead box equipped with Portia’s portrait .At this moment ,Bassanio heared about Antonio ‘s lawsuit .So he hold a wedding ceremony in a hurry .Meanwhile, Portia maid, Narisa also accepted Bassanio’s maid proposal .
Shylock's daughter, Jessica eloped at the help of Antonio and stoled her father's money and jewelry. So Shylock hated Antonio very much . When he learned that Antonio’s loss of offshore investment ,he decided to revenge .He sued Antonio.
In court, Shylock asked Antonio to perform the contract.In other words ,Antonio must cut one pound of flesh from his own body .The judges had no clues to do with Shylock . At the last minute,a new judge disguised by Portia came to tackle the matter .According to the contract, Portia agreed Shylock to cut meat from Antonio,but he must master the weight,neither more nor less,just the right amount ,and he must promise cut without a drop of blood and Antonio’s life safety .
Shylock couldn't do it and had to throw in the towel. In this way ,Portia skillfully save Antonio's life. Finally, everything was illuminated, Bassanio knew his wife was the great judge .He felt very thankful for Portia’s help and loved her much more .Antonio got his own property. Happy ending !
第2个回答  2014-02-04