

11-15 ACBAC 16-20BCBAB
21-25 DBDBD 26-30DBBDB
31-35 ADBBC 36-40FGAEB
41-45 BDACB 46-50CBCDA
51-55 DBDCC 56-60BDBDC
61. fighting 62.interested
63. to control 64.with
65. catches 66. used
67. cheaper 68.parked
69. a 70.it
71. ... large festivals. large→ largest
72. ... busy put ... put → putting
73. ... based in ... in → on
74. ... are drag ... drag → dragged
75. ... which need ... need → needs
76. ... complete it. 去掉it
77. ... to finishing ... finishing → finish
78. ... after complete ... complete → completion
79. ... looking the... looking后加at
80. ... was the ... was → is
One possible version:
Nowadays, more and more people enjoy theirholidays by visiting famous universities. This phenomenon has led to heateddebates concerning “Should universities be open to tourists”. Some people believethat it is good to open universities to tourists while others argue against it.
Personally speaking, I'm in favor ofuniversity tourism, which benefits both tourists and universities. Thebeautiful scenery and the strong academic atmosphere of famous universitiesencourage tourists, especially students, to set goals and work hard to reachthem. As for famous universities, being open to tourists serves as an effectiveapproach to attracting talents from all over the country.

21. D。细节理解题。由Fish for customers部分中的who botheredher with posts about the health products she was selling可知,Sophie受到朋友推销产品的信息骚扰。
22. B。推理判断题。由Fish for customers部分中的“Trying tosell me something” was the third mostcommon reason for being unfriendly to someone, after “Offensive comments” and “Don’t know them well”可推知,在脸书上导致被取消关注有三大原因,被认为排在第一的是冒犯性的留言。
23. D。推理判断题。由Try to keep up with the Joneses部分中的When all you see on a friend’s page are cheerful posts and happy family photos, it can make youfeel like your life doesn’t measure up可推知,当我们要尽力“赶上邻居琼斯”时,我们会因嫉妒而和别人攀比。keep up with the Jonese喻意为“与人攀比”。
24. B。推理判断题。由Beg for attention部分中的If it’s the latter, you may want to reconsider可知,Fox认为,如果你在脸书上发布消息的目的是获取关注和恭维,那么你需要反思自己的行为,故可推知,他不认可这种行为。
25. D。词义猜测题。由第一段中的I used to run away in fear when I heard the buzzing of a bee可推知,作者不再觉得蜜蜂那么可怕(Frightening)了。
26. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的Since 2014, swarm buckets at SeaWorld have helped save 52 honeybeeswarms, or more than 1 million honeybees可知,SeaWorld在挽救蜜蜂方面做出了很大贡献。
27. B。段落大意题。由第四段中的honey is used regularly to treat injured animals可知,本段主要讲述了蜂蜜可用于治疗受伤的动物。
28. B。标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了作者在SeaWorld发现蜜蜂很有帮助,故B项作标题最符合文意。
29. D。推理判断题。由第二段中的You may be familiar with the wrist-training device called thePowerball以及第三段内容可推知,文中提到thePowerball是为了说明HandEnergy的工作原理。
30. B。推理判断题。由第四段中的We don’t necessarily thinkthis will be something that you use every day, because it takes around one hourto reach full capacity可推知,HandEnergy的不足之处在于它的充电时间长。
31. A。推理判断题。由末段中的One thing is for sure — it beats paying thousands of dollars on asolar-powered device-charging coat可知,有一点很确定:HandEnergy比花几千美元买一个太阳能充电套强多了。由此可推知,作者认为它还是值得拥有的。
32. D。推理判断题。由第二段中的people pleasers don’t benefit fromtheir choices as much as their companions, and privately struggle with feelingsof loneliness and depression. They live in a state of self-neglect可知,爱取悦别人的人往往忽视了自己的需求,不能很好地平衡自己和他人需求之间的关系。
33. B。段落大意题。由第四段中的When someone asks something of you, hit the pause button. Put offthe decision until you are alone and can think about it可知,本段作者建议爱取悦别人的人要给自己考虑的时间。
34. B。推理判断题。由末段中的she later discovered that holding her ground didn’t cause the world to fall apart可知,作者讲述这个故事是为了说明拒绝他人的请求并不是那么可怕。
35. C。写作意图题。由第三段中的If you are a people pleaser, ending your people pleasing habit isgoing to be a real challenge. But you can if you try以及下文的内容可知,作者写本文的主要目的是告诉那些取悦他人的人如何改掉这个习惯。
36. F。首段是本文的主旨段。F项中的be grateful和标题中的gratitude一致,且F项中的Instead与上文中的shouldn’t构成对比。
37. G。由小标题中的grateful和challenges可知,G项中的appreciate challenges与之呼应。
38. A。由下文中的the worst以及much worse thanit is可知,A项It might have been worse与之一致。
39. E。由小标题中的always have a choice可知,E项中的always have some options与之相呼应。
40. B。由下文中的in comparison with the lives of others以及never compare your fortunes and misfortunes with those of otherpeople可知,B项Stop comparing your life with others适合作本段的小标题。
41. B。由下文中的You can’t recreatefootball可知,除了(except)橄榄球,你几乎可以享受任何一种其他运动。
42. D。由下文中的weight room和football field可知,我的整个夏天都在健身房和橄榄球场上度过(spent)。
43. A。由上下文语境可知,我没有一天在家睡懒觉(sleep)。
44. C。下文是上文的原因,故填because。
45. B。由上文中的playing football可知,我相信我的每个队友(teammates)都和我的感受一样。
46. C。由上文中的happier可知,筋疲力尽的训练对我们来说非常有趣(fun)。
47. B。由上文中的Grueling可知,橄榄球运动让你懂得勤奋(hardwork)和奉献是值得的。
48. C。由下文中的but可知,勤奋和奉献在所有的运动里都是相关的(relevant)。
49. D。由下文中的which team可知,这里指比赛(game)。
50. A。由上文中的conditioned harder可知,因为一个队比另一个队更疲惫(tired)。
51. D。由上文中的lifted harder可知,因为一个队比另一个队体格(physically)更健壮。
52. B。由上文中的两个tell可知,你能看到(see)的最重要的是哪个队投入了最全面的努力。
53. D。由上文中的most all-around work可知,因为这个队想要获胜并表现出(shown)极大的决心。
54. C。由上文中的playing football和personal可知,后文提到的是来自我个人的经历(experience)。
55. C。由下文中的lose a tight game可知,如果你在准备(preparing)的时候投入了所有的努力,输了比赛很让人心碎。
56. B。57. D。由On the same note可知,下文和上文中提到的lose a tight game形成对比,当你赢(win)了比赛,你会明白所有的血汗、泪水和努力都是值得的(pay off)。第三段中的pays off和末段中的pay off都有提示。
58. B。由上文中的lessons和下文中作者的感受可知,你能在橄榄球运动中学会(learn)许多人生感悟。
59. D。由下文中的what you wanted可知,赢得(earning)你想要的是你一生最值得做的事情之一。
60. C。由文章首段可知。对我来说,没有什么(nothing)能像橄榄球有趣。
61. fighting。考查动词-ing形式。设空处作介词in的宾语,故填fight的动词-ing形式。
62. interested。考查形容词。固定短语be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”,故填interested。
63. to control。考查动词不定式。设空处作状语表目的,故填control的动词不定式形式。
64. with。考查介词。固定短语be filled with ...意为“用……充满”,故填with。
65. catches。考查一般现在时和主谓一致。设空处是对客观事实的陈述,且主语是mixture,故填catch的第三人称单数形式。
66. used。考查被动语态。设空处和主语technology是动宾关系,且前面有助动词is,故填used。
67. cheaper。考查形容词比较级。由后面的more easily carried可知,设空处也表比较,故填cheap的比较级形式。
68. parked。考查动词的过去分词。设空处与名词helicopter是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填parked。
69. a。考查冠词。设空处修饰可数名词member,且表泛指,故填不定冠词a。
70. it。考查代词。设空处在句中作形式宾语,真正的宾语是其后面的动词不定式短语for wildfires to sweep through an area,故填it。