


我小时候身体虚弱,不能走的野蛮的孩子一起玩。我母亲和我都不允许运行的反弹。小时没有制定一个活泼游戏的习惯,无论身在何处,我总是文献。因此,他的家乡长辈说,我“看起来像一个总统” ,然后问我这样做, “麇先生。 ”所谓的昵称,人们都知道,小儿子主席先生称为麇。也就是说, “先生”名字,我不能不提出一个问题的“先生”像淘气鬼谁可以不遵守“野生”的。有一天,我的性格在我家前面的一组儿童的“掷硬币” ,一位老人走过,接见了我,笑着说: “先生,麇扔硬币吗? ”我听了觉得羞耻加热会过于损失“先生”身份!
伟大的人民鼓励我看起来像装先生,我没有发挥能力和习惯,而且还因为我真的很喜欢读书,这可以说是我一生中没有儿童享受游戏的生活。每年秋季,我的祖母树的领域与我“禁监” (顶好的领域,洪水的担忧,最好的收获,每个商户关于监测切割领域硕士奠定小米,两个分裂) ,我总是坐在一棵小树阅读novel.Eleven或12岁,我一点点活泼,甚至一群学生组织了一个戏剧班,做了一些竹木刀
我在这9年( 1895年至1904年) ,学校只有两件事读书和写字。在文字和思想的尊重,不能不被视为发挥有点薄弱。但是,其他方面还没有发展的机会。一旦我们的村庄“当朋友” ( 5个村庄在8个被称为“五个朋友” ,一年一度的轮村,王子将尽,被称为“当朋友” )将是筹备王子,有人向我加入前村的研究小组kuenqiang生或吹笛吹。部落长老反对,说我太年轻,不能按照王子将访问5个朋友。然后我就失去了唯一的机会学习音乐。过去三十年来,我从来没有乐器,而且还对整个不懂音乐;什么我没有音乐天赋,我仍然不知道。至于学校的图片,这是不可能的。我经常使用竹纸书存放在小说,像施会,这本书描述的英雄和beaty 。有一天,主席看到经历了骂他从代顿,抽屉里的照片被发现撕毁。因此,我失去了机会学习这些国家的艺术家。
衣服坐起来。我从来不知道,她醒来时在座更长的时间。她清醒地看着我,他们告诉我,昨天,我做错了事,什么是错的,如果我不得不承认自己的错误,要我好好学习。有时,她告诉我,他父亲的许多好处,她说: “你总是必须踏上老子的脚步你。我只知道生活挤满了人,你必须了解他或他的单位也不会。 ” (或股份出丑是一种耻辱。 )伤心,她说,眼泪来往往下降。到大了,她只把我的衣服,提醒早上我去上学。霍尔门钥匙在家里主席;我的第一所学校我望着门口,然后回家敲门,先生。首页先生在交付钥匙的大门了,我跑了,打开门,坐下念生书,在10天内,总是有89天我是第一个打开学校的大门。等待先生,我回到健康的图书,只有回家吃早餐。
初秋的一个傍晚,我吃晚饭,在门口发挥,科学家们只发现一个身穿背心。在这个时候我母亲的妹妹,安毓英,谁住在我姑姑,她怕我冷,取出一个小衬衫告诉我穿。我拒绝穿,她说: “所说的那样,冷。 ”不加思索,我回答说: “娘(酷)什么!劳劳你没有。 ”我刚才说的这些话,上升看到母亲从家里了,我会穿小衫。但她听到的话,这个轻薄。是安静的夜晚,她惩罚我了,有一个沉重的惩罚。她说: “我失去了你,多么自豪的事情!方便嘴! ”她坐在颤抖与愤怒,但也不会让我去睡觉。我的膝盖哭泣,擦眼泪,他的手,我不知道是什么微摩擦到细菌,后来又花了一年多的表现极大地损害了星云疾病。医生医生,总医不好。我的母亲也急于后悔,我听说眼翳可以用舌头舔,她把我的一个晚上,她真的舌头舔我的眼病。这是我的老师,我的母亲。
我的母亲发了23岁的遗孀,也是领导继母。这个痛苦的生活,我的笨笔写第二万分之一。首页财政并不宽裕,完全弟弟安排在上海举行。大哥是失去儿子从一个年轻的年龄,吸烟鸦片,赌博,金钱获得的轻,鉴于它已看到它适合回家,会见然后掏出出售香,锡茶壶holeing然后取出收费。我的母亲曾多次邀请的成员,在同一部族长老,他的数量设置按月收费。但他总是不够到处浓烟欠赌债。每年除夕在家里,我总有一种大型的收集,和每一个灯笼,坐在大厅拒绝前往。大哥早已布局。大厅的两排椅子充满了灯笼和债权人。我的母亲走了出去,做饭吃饭,谢厨房,新年的钱和其他事项,但他们并没有认为这是一组人。将近半夜,很快“闭门” ,和我的母亲只出去走后门,邻居对我自己的家里,每一点钱,著名的发展。搞好作恶,其中一组要求偿还控股鉴于外出前逐一。目前,敲门大哥哥回来。我的母亲从来没有责备他的刑期。因为这是新年,她的脸上是从来没有接触愤怒点。新的一年里,我有六至七次。
每个嫂嫂的一个充满活力的,往往不是停留十天半个月,走了出去,每天局严重,紧闭嘴巴,通风儿童虐待。我的母亲只有耐心,并没有真的不能忍受了一天,她有她的方式。天明那一天,她不会起床的哭掉以轻心。她没有谴责一个人,只有她的丈夫大声说,她扮演的虐待眼泪,无法留住她的丈夫照顾她。她第一次哭,声音非常低,然后大声嚷道。我醒来了,并告诉她,她拒绝生活。在这个时候,我总是听到同教会(嫂嫂住在东室前堂)或之后的教会(嫂嫂客厅后,西馆)开设了一个门,一个妹妹在法走出房间的kitchen.Soon ,嫂嫂谁敲我们的门。我打开门,她来了,举行了一碗热茶,我的母亲送到床上,劝她不要哭,请她喝热茶。我母亲慢慢停止哭泣,然后达到了茶杯。在嫂嫂说服主张,而之前他们让路。什么是没有提到一个词,也不是一个单词中提到今年下半年十天面对天然气,但大家都知道,茶总是在说,嫂嫂10天到两个星期性急的人。很奇怪,在哭,至少有一两个月的平静天的和平。
对待我的母亲最仁慈,最温和,从来没有发生过伤人案件的感情,但是她有时仅仅是天然气,而不是一种侮辱的性质。我的房子是一个非第五届叔叔是浪人行业,有一天,在硝烟里发牢骚,说一些我母亲的家庭总请别人帮忙,那么他的整体效益。这达到了耳朵我的母亲,她大声说愤怒,请本家几年来, thefifth叔叔大喊,她问他面对面,她一个人都没有好处。 Untilfifth叔叔道歉,公开承认,她放弃了。
我知道我的母亲生活了9年,她非常深刻的影响。我今年14岁( 12岁,实际上只有两个或3个月) ,然后离开了她,在这海里独自混大沙漠人超过20年,没有人来管制我。如果我的学校有一丝一毫的幽默,如果我有一点点的学习技能的和谐,如果我能宽恕人,理解人-我要感谢我的母亲。
第1个回答  2009-02-02

I was a kid physically weak and can not follow the barbaric kids play together. My mother and I are not allowed to run their bounce. Hours did not develop a lively game habits, no matter where I always literature to. Therefore, his hometown elders say that I "look like a President", then asked me to do, "Mr. hornless deer." Called out the nickname, the people know that the youngest son of Mr. President called a hornless deer. That is, "Mr." name, I can not but put on a point of "Mr." like naughty boy who can not follow the "wild" the. One day, my character in front of my house and a group of children "throwing coins," says one elders traveled, met with me, and laughed: "Mr. Elaphurus throwing coins it?" I listened to shame heated think it would be too loss of "Mr." identity!
Great people encouraged me to look like Mr. loaded, I did not play the ability and habit, but also because I really like reading, it can be said to be in my life did not have children to enjoy the game of life. Autumn each year, my grandmother-shu to the fields with me to "cut the supervisor" (Top good fields, flood worries, harvest the best, each tenant about to monitor the cutting master of fields lay Millet, the two split), I always sitting in a small tree to read the novel.Eleven or twelve-year-old, I am a little bit lively, even a group of students organized a drama class, done some bamboo Wood Knife
guns, won by several deputy fake beard, put on a show in the entrance to the village fields. I often do Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei's text for a class angle abuse; only time I do Shi Gong was Huarong Shoots it go on a stone chair, which is I thought the most lively.
I am in this for nine years (1895-1904), the school had only two things to read and write. In the text and ideas of respect, can not but be regarded as playing a bit weak. However, other aspects have not development opportunities. Once our village "When a friend" (the five villages where the eight are known as the "five friends", the annual round of the village, Prince will do, to be called "When a friend") will be the preparations for Prince, it was suggested to send I joined the former Village The study team kuenqiang Sheng or piper blowing. Tribal elders opposed to, say that I am too young and can not follow the prince will visit five friends. I then lost the only opportunity to learn music. The past three decades, I never took musical instruments, but also the whole do not understand music; what I have no music talent, I still do not know. As to school picture, it is impossible. I often use bamboo paper book kept in the novel, like Shi Hui, the book describe hero and beaty. One day, the President saw endured a scolding he got from Dayton, a drawer of the pictures have been found tore up. So I lost the opportunity to learn to artists.
But nine years of life, in addition to reading books outside of school, what life has given me a little training. At this point, my mentor is my mother.
At dawn every day when I wake my mother then, asked me to wear
the clothes sitting up. I never knew that she woke up sitting here for much longer. She had a sober look at me, they told me that yesterday, I done something wrong, what was wrong, if I have to admit their mistakes, wanted me to study hard. Sometimes she told me that his father's many benefits, she said: "You always have to set foot on Lao Tzu's footsteps you. I only know a life full of people, you have to learn from him or his unit will not." (Or shares make a fool of oneself is a disgrace.) sad she said, the tears come often fall. To the big out, she only put on my clothes, a reminder on the morning I went to school. Hall door keys at home on the President; my first school I looked at the door, then went home to knock on the door, Mr.. Mr. home was in the delivery of keys from the door out, I took running back, opened the door and sit down Niansheng book, in 10 days, there is always 89 days I was the first one to open school doors. Mr. wait, and I back the Health book, only to go home to eat breakfast.
My mother is my most strict control, she is a loving mother who is seirous father . But she never called me names in front of others is not one, hit me, I done something wrong, she told me I looked, I saw her stern look, then terrified. Committed a small matter, she wait until the next morning when I wake up the lessons I sleep. Guilty of the matter, she quiet when people wait until the evening, closed the door, first to blame me, then fine line, or kneeling, or wring my meat. No matter how heavy penalties, the total would not let me make voice of crying , she learned her son not to take this outlet to hear others.
One early autumn evening, I eat dinner, at the door to play, found only one wearing a vest. At this time my mother's sister, Yu-ying, who lives in my aunt, she's afraid I am cold, and took out a small shirt told me to wear. I refused to wear, she said: "put it, cold." Offhand, I replied: "Niang (cool) What! Lao Lao you do not." I have just said these words, a rise to see the mother from home out, I get to wear a small shirt. But she has heard the words of this thin and light. Were quiet at night, she punished me down, had a heavy chastisement. She said: "I lost you, how proud thing! Handy for the mouth!" She sat trembling with anger, but also would not let me go to sleep. My knees crying, wiping tears with his hands, I do not know what micro-rubbed into the bacteria, and later spent more than a year doing a great disservice to the nebula disease. To doctor to doctor, with a total医不好. My mother was also anxious regret it, I heard that Eye nebula can be used to lick the tongue, and she put me up one night, she really tongue licking my eye disease. This is my Teacher, my mother.
My mother made a 23-year-old widow, is also headed stepmother. The suffering of this life, my stupid pen to write the second one ten thousandth. Home finance not well-off entirely brother scheduling in Shanghai. Big Brother is lost son from a young age, smoking opium, gambling, money to get on the light, the light it has seen it fit to go home, met with then took out to sell incense, tin teapot holeing then took out the charge. My mother on several occasions to invite a member of the same clan elders, he set the number of monthly fees. But he always enough everywhere smoke debt owed a gambling debt. Annual New Year's Eve at home I always have a large collection, and each one lantern, sitting on the hall refused to go. Big Brother has long lay-out. Hall's two rows of chairs are full of lanterns and creditors. My mother went out, cooking dinner, Xie Kitchen, New Year's money and other matters, they did not see this as a group of people. To nearly the middle of the night, soon "closed door", and my mother only went out the back door, a neighbor central to my own home, each a little money, a renowned development. Do a good job in doing evil, which a group demanding the repayment holding the light before going out one by one. Moment, knock on the door big brother back. My mother never scolded his sentence. And because it is New Year, her face is never exposed angry point. This New Year, I had six or seven times.
Sister-in-law is the most incompetent and most naive people, sister-in-law is a competent and very narrow-minded people. They often have oppsite opinion only because my mother's polite example, they had not openly criticize fighting of thing. They petulancy only do not speak, do not answer, face down, very ugly; angry sister-in-law, the pale blue, it is terrifying. They had my mother petulancy, the same is true, I do not know this at first the whole set, but later began to understand the man's face. I gradually understand that the world is the most offensive thing is to face an angry; the world is the most obscene thing the angry face to the others before it, it is also uncomfortable than scolding.
The magnanimity of my mother, and a good temper, and also because after the Queen has done a woman, she is more careful in everything, every extra tolerance. Brother's daughter than I am only a small one-year-old, her diet and my clothes are always the same. I have a small argument with her, I always lose out, the mother is always scolding me, asking me to let her in everything. Sister-in-law sister-in-law later gave birth to the son of all, they are angry when they abuse children to vent while playing the one hand, use sharp barbed then scolded for others to listen to. My mother does not hear only loaded. Sometimes, I could not resist her, they quietly go out of doors, or to the left-o-li setting sister-in-law's home, or through the back door to the house after she and her neighbors to chat degrees. She never argued a sister-in-law and two mouths.
Each sister-in-law of a vibrant, often not stay 10 days half a month, went out every day, board gravely, biting mouth, venting child maltreatment. My mother only patience, and to really not can’t stand anymore day, she has her way. Tianming that day, she would not get up the crying lightly. She does not condemn a person, only cried her husband, she plays the role of ill tears, unable to retain her husband to take care of her. Her first cry, the voice is very low, then cried out loud. I woke up and advised her, she refuses to live. At this time, I always hear op Church (sister-in-law live in the East Room before the church) or after the Church (sister-in-law living room after the West Hall) has opened a door, a sister-in-law walked out of room to the kitchen.Soon, sister-in-law who knock the door of our. I opened the door, she came, holding a bowl of hot tea, my mother sent to bed, advised her not to cry, please drink her hot tea. My mother slowly stopped crying, then reached a teacup. The sister-in-law persuaded to stand for a while before they make way. What is not mentioned a word nor a word mentioned in the second half of this ten days to face the gas, but everyone was aware that tea has always come in that the sister-in-law 10 days to two weeks petulancy people. Very strange that after crying, and at least one or two months of quiet days of peace.
Treat my mother the most merciful, the most moderate, has never been a case of wounding the feelings; but she sometimes is just gas, not an insult to that character. My house is a non-fifth uncle are ronin industry, one day in the smoke Lane grumble, saying something to my mother's home total please someone help, what about the overall benefits to him. This reached the ears of my mother, she cried with anger, please Honke several years, thefifth uncle shout, she asked him face-to-face, she gives a person any good. Untilfifth uncle apologize publicly admit that she give up.
I learned under my mother lived for nine years, by her very deeply affected. I am 14 years old (12 years and in fact only two or three months) and then left her, in this nautical miles alone big desert people mixed more than two decades and no one to regulate me. If my school had a shred of good humor, if I had a little bit of learning skills of harmony, if I can forgive people, understanding people - I have to thank my mother.