


1. 语法正确:英语写作首先要求语法正确,包括单词的拼写、句子的结构、时态的使用等。只有语法正确,才能使读者理解你的意思。

2. 词汇丰富:词汇是语言的基础,丰富的词汇可以使你的写作更具表现力。你应该学习和掌握各种常用词汇和短语,以便在写作中灵活运用。

3. 逻辑清晰:一个好的英语作文应该有清晰的逻辑结构,每个段落都应该有明确的主题句,然后围绕主题句展开论述。同时,段落之间也应该有明确的过渡,使整篇文章连贯一致。

4. 观点明确:在写作中,你应该明确表达你的观点和立场,让读者知道你在说什么。如果你的观点模糊不清,读者可能会对你的文章失去兴趣。

5. 语言流畅:语言流畅是英语写作的重要要求之一。你应该避免使用冗长的句子和复杂的语法结构,尽量使用简洁明了的语言。

6. 引用准确:如果你在文章中引用了其他人的观点或数据,你应该准确地引用来源,避免抄袭。

7. 格式规范:不同的写作任务可能有不同的格式要求,如学术论文、商务信函、新闻报道等。你应该了解并遵守这些格式要求,使你的文章看起来专业且易于阅读。

8. 修辞恰当:适当的修辞可以使你的写作更具吸引力。你可以使用比喻、拟人、反问等修辞手法,但要注意不要过度使用,以免影响文章的清晰度。

9. 内容充实:一个好的英语作文应该有充实的内容,能够提供有价值的信息或观点。你应该在写作前做好充分的准备,收集和整理相关的资料和信息。

10. 最后,写作是一种技能,需要通过大量的练习来提高。你应该经常练习写作,不断改进你的写作技巧和方法。
第1个回答  2023-11-17

habitsevery day2-3 times a weekneverhave breakfast80%15%5%eat fruit60%15%25%eat junk food50%40%10%exercise40%55%5%练笔 2
  Problems: easy to be tired, feel stressed out before exams, have few friends, parents can't understand us

练笔 3
  期中考试就要到了,你都要做哪些准备呢? 你要怎样复习呢?请你根据同学们介绍的学习方法,制定出适合你自己的学习计划。

  go over the textbooks carefully
  read the notebooks to know the importance for each subject
  put the exam paper in different groups
  correct the mistakes in the exam paper

练笔 4
  假如你是Peter, 你的一家要在假期外出旅行,但一家人在出行方式上意见无法统一,请你叙述你父母的不同意见,并表明你的意见,说明理由。

family memberstransportationadvantagePeter’s motherplanefast, save timePeter’s fathertrainsee beautiful view outsidePeterplane & ship…练笔5

  提示词:outgoing, friendly, easygoing, warm-hearted, hobby…

  The school clinic has just opened, and as a volunteer, I find that a lot of students have different problems.
  Some students are easy to be tired and they always feel stressed out before exams. Some students have few friends and they have no one to talk to when they feel unhappy. Besides, many students complain that their parents can't understand them.
  In my opinion, we study hard every day and suffer from too much pressure, so we need proper ways to relax, such as watching TV, listening to music and doing sports. When we meet difficulties, we can turn to our classmates, teachers and parents for help.

  The mid-term examination is coming. The students in my class are busy preparing for it. They have different ways to go over the lessons. Some students review the textbooks carefully. Some students read the notebooks to know the importance for each subject. Besides, a few students put the exam paper in different groups to know more about the important points.
  In my opinion, we should try our best to correct the mistakes we have made before in the past exams. In this way, we will not make the same mistakes again. What's more, we should communicate with others so that we can make progress. I am sure we will do well in the mid-term examination!