

它和spend<浪费用法一样-----spend/waste time <indoing sth或on sth---花费/浪费时间做某事.译:我将不浪费时间步行回家.如下:wastevt., vi.wasted, wasting浪费;糟蹋Don't waste the flour; there isn't much.不要浪费面粉,没有多少了。(常与away连用)(疾病)消耗,使消瘦(常与on连用)使荒芜Long dry periods wasted the land.长期的干旱使土地荒芜。【习惯用语】waste one's breath ,waste time <in doing sth / on sth白费口舌【词性变化】wasteadj.荒芜的;荒凉的无用的;废弃的waste paper废纸排除废物的waste pipes排废水(气)管wasten.荒地stony wastes到处是石头的荒地浪费; 糟蹋Waste of food is wicked.糟蹋粮食是不道德的。'It's a waste of time.''这是浪费时间。'It is a waste to throw away good food.把好的食物扔掉是浪费。废品;废料poisonous waste from the chemical works化工厂的有毒废弃物The waste from the factory was taken away in trucks.工厂的废料被装在大卡车里运走。废气管,废水管【习惯用语】