
by conan.kay huang “おうじゅんんかい”
now i am a worker,maybe to a person who don't know how to play comeputher he think i am a technician of computher,technician?shit,am i really technician?
I am graduation from a high-school, yes, i am just a senior,i have no knowledge,money,and i even arent handsome.for my life ,i am a loser.now i just wanna make big money,the reason is simple :because of life ,female ,and vanity.
now if you wanna laught at me ,regarding me as a stupid male,perhaps you would be srupider. dont you tell me when your female would go for a walk with you beside a Jewelry shop and your female like one of the beautifull Jewelries very much ,and at the time you dont have money ...fack..., what do you do, and what do you think ? are you a Outstanding male . i think now you should keep yourself silent,and thinking again and again ,why dont you do it .why ?
i have talked about the topic of marry for many times, now i still want it .if i have no car house and bankcard ,i never maried to any female .girls always look like a angle,they are beautifull , kindness,and likeable.i just wish the female whose belong to me happy and keep herself clean,and free.when the family have to pay for a lot , it means she have to work .for life they will become Repugnant ,they would lose herself . i never..
i know it's so diffcout for me ,a nighteen's boy that i have my computher company,but i never give up . i hope suceess a lot ,even lose my all ,i remenber that when i was young i promiiss the decil if he can help me to come ture my dreaming , i would offer my life , i dont wnat to live for long , i just hope i am a outstanding male ,for long life ,but no suceess .that 's so lonely.i don't like it .i said i don't want to ask for much ,olny owning my computher company is ok before i am 28 ..
bout janpan ,shit ,i am sorry i talk about japanese again, but i srill say. just because of loving .i always cant forget it ,in my deepist of dreaming i aleays think of it ,why ?i ask myself ,but no anwser .everytimes , when the night falls and i think of it ,my skins is always burning form its touch its beautifull is still dengagerious.

我知道这是如此diffcout。对我来说,一个nighteen的男孩,我有我的computher公司,但我从来没有放弃。我希望名成功,甚至失去我所有,我记得当我还是个小女孩的时候,我promiiss的话,他的decil可以帮助我来实现自己的梦想,我将给我的生活,我不要想活很长,我只是希望我是个优秀的男性,寿命长,但是没有名成功。”所以lonely.i不喜欢它,我说了,我不想去要求太多,迎合computher公司可以拥有我之前我28 . .
日本,大便,比赛很抱歉我谈,但我srill日本又说话得体。正是因为爱,我永远不能忘记它,我的梦想,我aleays deepist想一想,为什么呢?我问我自己,但没有答案的时候,.everytimes夜幕降临,我觉得,我的皮肤总是燃烧的形式描述它仍然是dengagerious触摸它。
第1个回答  2009-04-23
我知道这是如此diffcout。对我来说,一个nighteen的男孩,我有我的computher公司,但我从来没有放弃。我希望名成功,甚至失去我所有,我记得当我还是个小女孩的时候,我promiiss的话,他的decil可以帮助我来实现自己的梦想,我将给我的生活,我不要想活很长,我只是希望我是个优秀的男性,寿命长,但是没有名成功。”所以lonely.i不喜欢它,我说了,我不想去要求太多,迎合computher公司可以拥有我之前我28 . .
日本,大便,比赛很抱歉我谈,但我srill日本又说话得体。正是因为爱,我永远不能忘记它,我的梦想,我aleays deepist想一想,为什么呢?我问我自己,但没有答案的时候,.everytimes夜幕降临,我觉得,我的皮肤总是燃烧的形式描述它仍然是dengagerious触摸它本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-04-23

现在我是工人,也许一个人谁不知道如何发挥comeputher他认为我是一个技术员computher ,技术员?屎,我真的技术员?

我毕业的高中,是的,我只是一个高级,我不知道,金钱,我什至arent handsome.for我的生活,我是一个loser.now我只想赚钱,原因是简单:因为生活,女,和虚荣心。

现在如果你想laught我,就我是一个愚蠢的男性,或许你将srupider 。不要告诉我当你的女性将去散步你旁边珠宝店和你的女性像一个非常美丽首饰,并在您不要钱... fack ... ,您做什么和你觉得呢?你是杰出男性。我觉得现在你应该保持自己沉默,与思考再三,你为什么不这样做。为什么?


我知道这样diffcout对我来讲, nighteen的男孩说,我有我的computher公司,但我永远不会放弃。我希望suceess了很多,甚至失去我的一切,我remenber ,当我年轻的字母i promiiss的decil如果他可以帮助我来捕捉我的梦想,我要提出我的生活,我不希望生活多久,我只是希望我是一个出色的男性,以延长使用寿命,但没有suceess 。那这么lonely.i不喜欢这样。我说我不想要求太多, olny拥有我国computher公司确定之前,我28 ..

比赛janpan ,狗屎,很抱歉,我再次谈论日本,但我srill说。只是因为爱。我总是不能忘记,在我的梦想deepist字母i aleays想起来了,为什么呢?我问自己,但没有anwser 。 everytimes ,当黑