

  Dear mom,
This is the first time i write a letter to you in English,so i think i should say thanks to you frist.
That you give life to me,that you bring me to the world.Sometimes i may make you angry,because i don`t adjust my fault.But i am sure i won`t do that things again,i think i have grown up,i must be able to tell the things true or fault.My dear mother ,you are the greatest person in the world,you are the most important person in my life.the love you give me is the greatst one in the world.
My dear mother,i have to stop here,because my vocabulary is very limited ,i will write more letters in the future ,at that time i can write a much longer one to you.
Thank you again ,my dear mother!
Yours son,
第1个回答  2017-09-07
Dear mom,
This is the first time i write a letter to you in English,so i think i should say thanks to you frist.
That you give life to me,that you bring me to the world.Sometimes i may make you angry,because i don`t adjust my fault.But i am sure i won`t do that things again,i think i have grown up,i must be able to tell the things true or fault.My dear mother ,you are the greatest person in the world,you are the most important person in my life.the love you give me is the greatst one in the world.
My dear mother,i have to stop here,because my vocabulary is very limited ,i will write more letters in the future ,at that time i can write a much longer one to you.
Thank you again ,my dear mother!
Yours son,
第2个回答  2015-02-05
MY FATHER‘S LIFE\r\n My father is a doctor.He is improtant for his healthy life.He is gets up early . He says: Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.(早睡早起使人健康、富裕又聪明).He eats breakfast every morning ,he thinks the breakfast is good for us. He eats apple everyday,because the apples is good for his healthy.He eats lunch at 12:00.He works hard.he doesn't like eating junk food.He thinks the junk food is bad for us.
第3个回答  2013-08-12
Dear Mum and Dad,
I'm writing to you in school library.  I'm very happy to wrote again. To my surprise, great changes have taken place here recently.
  Today I went to Wangfujing Street. Now the streets are cleaner and nicer than before. There are many flowers everywhere and there is a fine smell of the flowers in the air. There are more new buildings, modern shops and large markets in it. People in Beijing are happy. Everyone has a smile on the face.
I know they are working hard for the 2008 Olympics. I hope they will have a good luck.