
the complexities of getting materisl ordered,manufactured and delivered,overload most supply chain management(SCM) systems.The fact is that most systems are just nou up handing all the variables up and down the supply chain.
For years,it was thought that it was enough for manufacturers to have an MRP or EPR system that could help answer fundamenal questions such as;What are we going to make ? What do we have now? What resources/capacity do we need and when?
Manufacturers need to know a lot more today to have a truly effective supply chain.There are a number of fundamental weaknesses in the old system logic Many planning and scheduling systems in use today assume that lead times are fixed,queues do not change ,queues must exist,capacity is infinite and backward scheduling logic will produce valid load profiles and good shop floor schedules.There assumptions are totally illogical,and following them causes many schedule compliance problems. An effective fix is first to streamline operations and then to apply predictive,preventive forms of advanced planning and scheduling.
SCM involves two flows. Information flow signals the need to start the flow of material In a supply chain ,the fast flow of high-quality information and material is inextricably linked and of paramount importance to SCM success. Untimely or low-quality information virtually guarantees poor performance.
Manufacturers need to develop flexible supply chain processes that can adapt to the needs of various customer segment They must also develop supply chain strategy,processes and supporting systems that conform too current and future requirements.
Generally an effective SCM approach must focus on:

Flexible supply and production processes that can very quickly respond to changing customer demand.
A short-cycle,demand-driven order-to-delivery process.
Accurate,relevant information that isavailable on demand throughout the supply chain.


的复杂性越来越materisl命令,制造和交付,超载大多数供应链管理( SCM ) systems.The事实是大多数系统只是巴萨交出了所有的变量向上和向下的供应链。
