写英文感谢信 感谢一个人


dear Mr. ....
I really appreciate your outstanding teaching in the last half year,during which I benefited from your tutoring a lot and learnt those helpful and illuminating knowledge.
I have loved English since childhood,and always dream to be a professional in English. under your patient and ispiring teaching,nearly all my classmates began to like English because of you.
here,I would like to express my thanks to you from the bottom of my heart.
第1个回答  2009-04-22
Hi, Valerie,
How are you? have you got the approval for your new EP(Employment Pass).
If yes, congratulations!

I wanted to email to GP first, but temporally can't
find his address. It doesn't mean I don't want to write
to you, just feel like GP is more closer to me that

GP told me that because of me you don't want to
talk to Kent either. I was very appreciateful, cause
I took this as my true friend's action! However, Rex
didn't do as you did at all!

I didn't talk to you much when we were in the same
company, though you just sat behind me. Last time I
thought even talk too much with another girl is
considered a great offence to my "wife". I was stuck
too deep to stay awake of this mass. Thank you and GP
so much for having given me great support when I
needed it badly.

I miss GP and you, really. Just hope one day we can
meet together and drink together. I am sure I won't
have a boss like GP again, not to mention a colleague
like you and Vincent. You guys left me the sweetest
memories in Singapore. How am I going to thank

Please tell GP that I have mailed to you and let me know
his address as well. I want to email to him too. I'm
now at home being taken well care of by my parents.
They are about to buy me a car so that I can travel to
some other provinces in China. Ok, my daddy is back,
got to take lunch with him. See you.

All the bests to you and GP
第2个回答  2009-04-22
第3个回答  2009-04-23