separate from和divide into有什么区别呢?


"Separate from" 和 "divide into" 是两个表示分离或划分的动词短语,它们的区别在于所描述的分离或划分的对象不同。

"Separate from" 表示从整体中分离或分开某一部分或某些部分,这些部分可以是物体、人或概念。例如:

- The islands were separated from the mainland by a narrow strait. (这些岛屿被一条狭窄的海峡与大陆分开。)

- She separated from her husband last year. (她去年与丈夫分居了。)

- We need to separate the recyclable materials from the non-recyclable materials. (我们需要将可回收垃圾与不可回收垃圾分开。)

"Divide into" 表示将整体分成若干部分或若干个组,这些部分或组可以是物体、人或概念。例如:

- The cake was divided into eight equal portions. (这个蛋糕被分成了八块。)

- The students were divided into four groups for the project. (学生们被分成了四组进行这个项目。)

- The budget was divided into different categories. (预算被分成了不同的类别。)

因此,"separate from" 侧重于描述分离或分开某一部分或某些部分,而 "divide into" 则侧重于描述将整体分成若干部分或若干个组。
