帮写 英语口头作文(满悬赏)

3.妈妈的留言( 说要带把尺给姐姐)


1.Cunjin Park
Friends, have you ever heard of the Cunjin Park?Well,it was build in Chikan District,Zhanjing,Guangdong province many years ago,marking the War against France.At the gate of the park stood a huge statue,saying"One foot of land is much more precious than one foot of gold."Whenever people go to the park,they first see the statue,which always remind them of the glorious history of Zhanjiang city.Now Cunjin Park has become a friendly-environmental park where people can relax and exercise.

2.How to Be a Reporter?
Hello!Everyone,have you thought of being a reporter in the future?To tell you the truth,I have a dream,I want to be a reporter when growing up.But how can we be a reporter?Well, to be a reporter,we should be of great responsibility,especially the society responsibility.For a reporter's duty is to report the truth of the society and show the basic wills of the people.Second,a reporter should be good at writing.Writing is a very important thing for a reporter.Third,a reporter should not be afraid of difficulty and danger.I hope my dream will come true .
That's all ,thank you.

3.Mum's message
It was Saturday today,and I needn't go to school.So I got up late this morning.When I got up at 9:00 I saw a message on my desk,it said,"My son,please take the ruler to your older sister.She is at school now. Mum,"I had breakfast quickly and then went out to school,taking the ruler with me.
第1个回答  2009-06-11
How to be a journalist:

I want to be a journalist, because I think it is a respectable profession. More importantly, it is an interesting job, I will be able to meet different people, visit different places, for free. I look forward to it as my calling, but it won't just come after I call, so I have to work for it. I have made my plans on how to become a journalist.
I will have to improve my Chinese language, because as a journalist, my job is to write for newspapers and magazines, I have to have good writing skills. To do that, I will read more, especially more journal articles. Also, I will write more. I have decided to write a news article every week, and get it corrected by my parents, so that I see where my mistakes are and correct them. I know that the key to my language skills is consistency, I may not see any changes to my Chinese in a week or two, but after a couple of months, the articles I write would be much better than those I write now.
I will also improve my people-skills. I have to learn how to get information out of people, even when they may not want to tell me what they know. To do this, I will go out more, and make more friends. I will also try to get a chance to follow real journalists for a day or two to see how they work.
Of course, I have to keep my grades up so that I can get into a university to study journalism. I think these are the main things to do to become a journalist in the future.

挺简单的。 你是要3个还是任意一个? 有问题找我。
第2个回答  2009-05-24
第3个回答  2009-06-06
I think to be a journalist must be able to communicate with people even strangers. And he or her must have the spirit of pursuing the facts.These two points are the most important in my opinion.If a journalist can write great articles ,it must be very very good.
第4个回答  2009-05-25