try to do sth和try doing sth的区别


这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下 try to do sth和try doing sth 的区别:

    "Try to do sth" 表示尝试去做某事,强调的是动作或行为的尝试;"try doing sth" 表示尝试做某事,并体验这个过程,强调试验或尝试某个行动。根据语境和所要表达的意思,选择合适的表达方式。

在通过一个表格来了解一下 try to do sth和try doing sth 吧😎:

欧克,最后再来一波 try to do sth和try doing sth 的具体区别🤞:


- try to do sth:表示尝试或努力去完成某个动作或目标。

* 例子1: He will try to solve the math problem before the class ends. (他会在课程结束前尝试解决这个数学问题。)

* 例子2: She tried to convince her parents to let her go on the trip. (她努力说服父母让她去旅行。)

- try doing sth:表示尝试做某事,并且强调尝试的过程和经验。

* 例子1: If you have never tried skiing before, you should try doing it during your winter vacation. (如果你以前从未尝试过滑雪,你应该在寒假期间尝试一下。)

* 例子2: I tried baking a cake for the first time, and it was a fun experience. (我第一次尝试烤蛋糕,这是一次有趣的经历。)


- try to do sth:着重强调在尝试过程中努力去实现特定的目标或行为。

* 例子1: The students will try to win the debate competition next week. (学生们将努力赢得下周的辩论比赛。)

* 例子2: He is trying to learn how to play the guitar in his free time. (他在空闲时间努力学习弹吉他。)

- try doing sth:强调尝试去做某事,可能不一定会取得特定的结果。

* 例子1: She tried calling her friend, but he didn't answer the phone. (她试着给朋友打电话,但他没有接电话。)

* 例子2: I tried talking to my boss about the issue, but he didn't seem interested. (我试着和老板谈论这个问题,但他似乎不感兴趣。)


- try to do sth:通常用于具体的目标、任务或行动,强调努力实现特定的目标。

* 例子1: She will try to finish the report by the end of the day. (她会努力在今天结束前完成这份报告。)

* 例子2: They are trying to save enough money for their dream vacation. (他们正努力存够钱去实现他们的梦想假期。)

- try doing sth:可以用于尝试各种不同的活动、体验或尝试,强调尝试过程的体验性。

* 例子1: I tried cooking a new recipe yesterday, and it turned out to be delicious. (昨天我尝试做了一个新食谱,结果很美味。)

* 例子2: They tried hiking in the mountains for the first time and enjoyed the experience. (他们第一次尝试在山上徒步旅行,很享受这个经历。)


- try to do sth:通常用于表示尝试达成某种目标或采取特定的行动。

* 例子1: He will try to apologize to his friend for the misunderstanding. (他会试着向朋友道歉,解释误解。)

* 例子2: She is trying to find a part-time job to earn some extra money. (她正在努力找一份兼职工作,赚点额外的钱。)

- try doing sth:通常用于尝试体验新事物或探索未知领域。

* 例子1: They tried snorkeling for the first time and were amazed by the underwater world. (他们第一次尝试浮潜,被海底世界所吸引。)

* 例子2: I tried learning a new language online, but it was challenging. (我尝试在线学习一门新语言,但是很有挑战性。)

第1个回答  2019-05-07


1、try to do sth

翻译:表示尽自己最大能力做某事,等同于try one's best to do sth.

例句:I tried to escape,but i failed. 我努力着想逃走,但是没有成功。

2、try doing sth 


例句:why not try turning on the air conditioner? 咱们开开空调吧,看看能不能凉快点儿。


1、try to do sth 属于宾补,就是宾语补足语,是用来补充说明宾语。

例句:I tried using English everyday to improve my oral English.


2、try doing sth 属于主补,就是主语补足语,用来补充说明主语。

例句:I tried using English everyday to improve my oral English.



1、try to do sth 表示正在发生的事情。

例句:why not turn on the air conditioner? 为什么不现在打开空调。

2、try doing sth  表示的是已经发生的事情。

例句:例句:why not try turning on the air conditioner?  为什么不试着打开空调。

第2个回答  2023-07-20

从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析try to do sth和try doing sth的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- "Try to do something" 表示尝试去做某事,有意图或目的。

- "Try doing something" 表示尝试通过做某事来看看结果如何,试验或验证。


- I will try to finish this project by tomorrow.(我会尽量在明天完成这个项目。)

- Let's try going to the new restaurant for dinner tonight.(今晚我们试着去新餐厅吃晚饭吧。)

2. 用法区别:

- "Try to do something" 后面接一个动词原形,表示试图去做某事。

- "Try doing something" 后面接一个动名词或动词不定式,表示尝试通过做某事来获得经验或看看结果如何。


- I will try to call him later.(我会尽量给他打电话。)

- You should try drinking more water to stay hydrated.(你应该试试多喝水保持水分。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "Try to do something" 可以用于任何语境,无论是陈述句、疑问句还是命令句。

- "Try doing something" 通常用于陈述句,描述试验或验证某种方法或做法。


- She tried to fix the broken chair herself.(她试图自己修理坏掉的椅子。)

- They tried swimming in the lake but didn't enjoy it.(他们试着在湖里游泳,但并不喜欢。)

4. 形象区别:

- "Try to do something" 表示尝试或努力去做某事,强调意图或目的。

- "Try doing something" 表示尝试通过做某事来获得经验或测试,强调行动本身。


- He will try to solve the puzzle.(他会尽力解决这个谜题。)

- I suggest you try swimming in the ocean.(我建议你试试在海洋里游泳。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "Try to do something" 的影响范围集中在尝试做某事的那个具体行动上。

- "Try doing something" 的影响范围更广泛,涉及到通过做某事来获得经验、测试或验证问题。


- I tried to learn a musical instrument, but I couldn't find the time.(我尝试学习一种乐器,但我找不到时间。)

- We tried taking a different route, and it turned out to be faster.(我们试着走了一条不同的路线,结果更快。)

第3个回答  2023-07-29

首先我们来看下try to do sth和try doing sth的大致意思:

try to do sth:词性为短语,try to do sth 是一个不定式短语,表示尝试或努力去做某件事情。

try doing sth:词性为短语,try doing sth 是一个动名词短语,表示尝试做某件事情,并且进行一段时间。

通过下面的表格我们了解下try to do sth和try doing sth的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下try to do sth和try doing sth的用法区别:

1.语法结构:try to do sth 是不定式短语,而try doing sth是动名词短语


- I try to do my homework.


- I try doing running exercises.


2.动作时长:try to do sth 强调尝试去做某事,不包含动作进行的时长;try doing sth 强调尝试做某事,并且进行一段时间


- He tries to solve the problem.


- I am trying learning French.


3.后续行为:try to do sth 后续行为通常是成功或失败;try doing sth 后续行为更多地强调结果或感受


- I try to play basketball.


- I try singing.


4.意图或目的:try to do sth 表示有一个特定的目标或意图去尝试做某事;try doing sth 强调通过尝试做某事来获得一些经验或感受


- She tries to learn new skills.


- I try understanding his point of view.


第4个回答  2023-07-24

又到了我给大家解答英语难题的时候了ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ,try to do sth表示尝试去做某事,可能还没有开始做,或者正在做但还未完成。而try doing sth表示尝试做某事看看效果如何,可能已经做过一次或多次。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先: 

了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ


try to do sth表示尝试去做某事,可能还没有开始做,或者正在做但还未完成。而try doing sth表示尝试做某事看看效果如何,可能已经做过一次或多次。


①I will try to finish the work today. 我会尝试今天完成这项工作。

②You should try doing yoga, it's really relaxing. 你应该尝试做瑜伽,它真的很放松。


try to do sth强调的是尝试去完成某项任务或达到某个目标,而try doing sth强调的是尝试采取某种行为或方法看看结果如何。


①I'll try to convince him. 我会尝试说服他。

②Try using this tool, it might help. 尝试使用这个工具,它可能会有帮助。


try to do sth的结果可能是成功或失败,因为这是一次尝试。而try doing sth的结果可能是喜欢或不喜欢,因为这是一种尝试新事物的行为。


①I tried to lift the box, but it was too heavy. 我试图抬起这个箱子,但它太重了。

②I tried eating sushi, and I loved it. 我尝试吃寿司,我很喜欢它。