
地球一小时(Earth Hour)

On 28th,March,2009 I took part in the activity " Earth Hour" which is regularly held from 8.30-9.30pm on the last Saturday of March of every year.The activity was first held in Sydney in 2007,then develops rapidly,and about 1 billion people from 4 thousand cities of 90 countries took part in it in 2009. Its aim is to raise the awareness of environmental protection of the people and cope with the climate warming .I think the activity is of great importance and value.
第1个回答  2009-05-21
i took part in an activity "Earth One Hour" on 28th March 2009.

As a public activity, it is held on the last saturday of March every year from local time 8:30 to 9:30.

"Earth One Hour" aims to raise environmental awareness and cope with climate change.

the activity started in 2007 spreading rapidly ever since and in 2009 about one billion pople from over four thousand cities and ninty countries took part in the activity.

being a newly-set public activity ,"Earth One Hour" has shown great influence on the popularization of environmental concept。
第2个回答  2009-05-21
Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia, has grown to become one of the world’s biggest climate change initiatives. In 2009, at 8.30pm on March 28, people around the world will turn their lights for one hour – Earth Hour. We’re aiming to reach one billion people, more than 4000 cities, all joining together in a global effort to show that its possible to take action on global warming.
第3个回答  2009-05-21
I participated in the "Earth Hour" activity on 28 Mar 2009.
This event rotates 2030-2130 hours local time, the first Saturday of March every year.
The purpose of this event is reminding everybody on the earth to concern about the circumstances and climate change.
It begins in Sydney in the year 2007, and developed rapidly afterwards; in 2009, one billion people from 4000 cities of 90 countries participated.
I think it's good to get in this kind of activities and pay more attention to the homeworld we live in, and do things to make it better.
第4个回答  2009-05-21
Earth Hour

In March 28th,we hold a action called Earth Hour.The time when it happened is the last Saturday in March each year and the local time is 8:30 p.m.to 9:30 p.m..It can help us improve our environmental awareness and handle the climate change.This action is started in Sydney and then developed quickly.From now on ,there is about 90 countries 4thousand cities 10 billion people attend this action.From this action ,I konw a lot which we really need to protect our living environment.
