

Talking About Feelings 叙述感受
  601. You look radiant tonight.
  602. It was a terrible experience. 那是一次可怕的经历。
  603. I am on
top of the world. 我高兴到了极点。
  604. The dinner was wonderful. 晚餐棒极了。
The Christmas tree is gorgeous. 圣诞树真华美。
  606. What a boring movie it is!
  607. How can he give us such a tedious lecture!
  608. How fragrant the flowers are! 这些花真香!
  609. The
party is making too much noise. 这次聚会太吵了。
  610. You look elegant in that
dress. 你穿这条裙子显的很漂亮。
  611. The coat doesn't suit you. 这件外衣不太适合你。
His flattery makes me sick. 他的恭维让我恶心。
  613. We had a good time. 我们玩的很开心。
614. We enjoyed ourselves very much. 我们玩的很开心。
  615. I am bored to death.
Nowadays,it is common to hear/see……
Although more and more people come to believe...,there are still others who insist that...
3、用于陈述 个人观点/想法 的常用句型
In my opinion of view,both sides are partly right in that...。My opinion of view is that...
to start with,next,in addition,finally
The reasons for this are as follows,...
Therefore,it is not difficult to draw/come to the conclusion that...
I am uriting to you with reference to
I would be grateful if you could/would...
I look forward to hearing from you

1) 应用于开头部分的句型(提出一种观点)
①Now, it is commonly (generally/widely) believed (held/acknowledged) that_______, but I
wonder (doubt) whether_______.
现在人们普遍认为_______, 但是我想/怀疑_______。
②When asked about_______, the vast majority of people say that_______; but I view a bit differ_______ ently.
当问到_______问题的时候, 大多数人认为_______, 但是我的看法稍有不同。
③There are different opinions among people as to_______.
关于_______, 人们的观点大不相同。
④When it comes to_______, some people believe that_______, and others argue (claim) that the opposite (reverse) is true.
谈到_______, 有些人相信_______, 而另一些人的观点正好相反。
⑤People’ views on _______vary from person to person.
⑥Such is a dilemma we are often confronted with in our daily life.
⑦People take (adopt/assume) different attitudes towards_______. Some believe that _______. However others are easily discouraged by _______.
⑧For years’ _______had been viewed as_______, but people are taking a fresh 1ook now.
多年来, _______一直被视为_______, 但现在人们正在以一种全新的目光来看待这一问题。
⑨Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the idea (attitude) that_______.
2) 应用于主体部分的句型(提出另一种观点, 或者对比两种观点)
①The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
②The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.
③A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that_______.
A也许比B更为可取, 但A也有_______的缺点。
④It is reasonable to maintain that_______, but it would be foolish to claim that _______.
认为_______有其合理性, 但主张_______是愚蠢的。
⑤For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. Firstly, compared with_______.
Secondly, _______. Last but not least, _______.
尽管存在各种缺点, 但也有优点可作弥补。第一, 与_______相比, _______。第二, _______。最后但并不最不重要的一点, _______。
⑥_______has brought people great convenience (benefits)in_______, but like anything else, it has its faults.
_______在_______方面给人们带来了极大的方便(好处), 但任何事物都有其缺点。
⑦A and B has several points in common.
⑧A bears some resemblances to B.
⑨However, the same is not applicable to B.
然而, 同样的情形并不适用于B。
⑩Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.
显然, 它既有积极的一面, 也有消极的一面。
⑾It is true that_______, but the chief faults (obvious defects) are _______.
确实是_______, 但主要的缺点(明显的缺陷)在于_______。
⑿There is no doubt that_______ has its drawbacks as well as merits.
毫无疑问, _______有其优点也有其缺点。
3) 应用于结尾部分的句型(提出作者自己的观点)
①There is probably some truth in both arguments (statements), but I tend to prefer the former/latter.
或许两种观点都有一定道理, 但我更倾向于前者/后者。
②It is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.
在我看来, 支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。
③In my opinion, it is more advisable to do_______ than to do_______.
在我个人看来, _______比_______更明智。
④Personally, I am standing on the side of_______.
就个人而言, 我站在_______的一边。
⑤It is natural to believe that_______, but we shouldn’ t ignore that_______.
认为_______是很自然的, 但我们不应忽视_______。
⑥People become increasingly aware (conscious) of the importance of_______.
⑦Now people in growing (significant) numbers are beginning (coming) to realize (accept)
⑧Taking all the factors into consideration, we naturally draw the conclusion that_______.
把所有这些因素加以考虑, 我们自然会得出结论_______。
⑨Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that_______.
考虑到所有这些因素, 我们可能会得出一个合理的结论_______。
⑩All in all, we can not live without _______, but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.
总之, 没有_______ 我们是无法生活的, 但同时, 我们必须寻求新的解决办法来应对可能出现的新问题。
1) 应用于开头部分的句型(提出一种观点)
①When asked about_______, the overwhelming majority of people say that_______.
当被问到_______ (某一现象或问题)的时候, 绝大多数的人都认为_______。
②Recently the rise in the problem (phenomenon) of_______ has caused (aroused) popular (wide/ worldwide) concern.
近来, _______问题(现象)已引起广泛关注。
③Nowadays the issue of the problem of_______ has been brought into focus.
现今, _______问题得到了人们的高度关注。
④The phenomenon of _______has been brought to public attention quite recently.
最近, _______现象受到了公众的关注。
⑤_______is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face constantly.
_______ (某一现象或问题)成为我们必须学会不断面对的另一个新的并且棘手的事实。
⑥It is generally accepted (held/agreed/recognized) that _______.
⑦It is no denying the fact that_______.
⑧This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.