


英 [ɡet] 美 [ɡet]

v.  收到; 接到; 获得; 得到; (卖某物)挣得



    接到;得到 receive/obtain

    to receive sth
      I got a letter from Dave this morning.
      今天早上我收到戴夫的一封来信。What (= What presents) did you get for your birthday?
      你收到什么生日礼物了?He gets (= earns) about $40 000 a year.
      他一年挣4万元左右。This room gets very little sunshine.
      这个房间几乎照不进阳光。I got a shock when I saw the bill.
      我看到账单时大吃一惊。I get the impression that he is bored with his job.
    to obtain sth
      Where did you get (= buy) that skirt?
      你在哪儿买的那条裙子?Did you manage to get tickets for the concert?
      你弄到音乐会的票了吗?She opened the door wider to get a better look.
      她把门开大些以便看得更清楚。Try to get some sleep.
      尽量睡会儿吧。He has just got a new job.
      他刚找到一份新工作。Why don't you get yourself a car?
      你为什么不买辆汽车呢?Did you get a present for your mother?
      给你母亲买礼物了吗?Did you get your mother a present?
    to obtain or receive an amount of money by selling sth
      How much did you get for your car?

    带来 bring

    to go to a place and bring sb/sth back
      Quick ─go and get a cloth!
      快——去拿块布来!Somebody get a doctor!
      谁去叫个医生来吧!I have to go and get my mother from the airport (= pick her up) .
      我得去机场接我的母亲。Get a drink for John.
      给约翰拿杯饮料来。Get John a drink.

    惩罚 punishment

    to receive sth as a punishment
      He got ten years (= was sent to prison for ten years) for armed robbery.

    广播 broadcasts

    to receive broadcasts from a particular television or radio station
      We can't get Channel 5 in our area.

    买 buy

    to buy sth, for example a newspaper or magazine, regularly
      Which newspaper do you get?

    分数;等级 mark/grade

    to achieve or be given a particular mark/grade in an exam
      He got a ‘C’ in Chemistry and a ‘B’ in English.

    疾病 illness

    to become infected with an illness; to suffer from a pain, etc.
      I got this cold off (= from) you!
      我这感冒是被你传染的!She gets (= often suffers from) really bad headaches.

    联系 contact

    to be connected with sb by telephone
      I wanted to speak to the manager but I got his secretary instead.

    状态;情况 state/condition

    to reach a particular state or condition; to make sb/sth/yourself reach a particular state or condition
      to get angry/bored/hungry/fat
      发怒;生厌;饥饿;发胖You'll soon get used to the climate here.
      你会很快习惯这儿的气候的。We ought to go; it's getting late.
      我们该走了,天色越来越晚了。to get dressed/undressed (= to put your clothes on/take your clothes off)
      穿上 / 脱下衣服They plan to get married in the summer.
      他们打算夏天结婚。She's upstairs getting ready.
      她在楼上做准备。I wouldn't go there alone; you might get (= be) mugged.
      我不会一个人去那儿,说不准会碰上抢劫的。My car got (= was) stolen at the weekend.
      我的汽车周末被偷了。Don't get your dress dirty!
      别把你的连衣裙弄脏了!He got his fingers caught in the door.
      他的手指给门夹了。She soon got the children ready for school.
    to reach the point at which you feel, know, are, etc. sth
      After a time you get to realize that these things don't matter.
      过段时间你会明白这些事情并不要紧。You'll like her once you get to know her.
      你一旦了解了她就会喜欢她的。His drinking is getting to be a problem.
      他的酗酒越来越成问题了。She's getting to be an old lady now.

    使;让;说服 make/persuade

    to make, persuade, etc. sb/sth to do sth
      I couldn't get the car to start this morning.
      我今天早上没法让这汽车发动起来。He got his sister to help him with his homework.
      他让姐姐帮助他做家庭作业。You'll never get him to understand.
      你永远不会使他明白的。Can you really get that old car going again?
      你真能让那老爷车再跑起来吗?It's not hard to get him talking─the problem is stopping him!

    使完成某事 get sth done

    to cause sth to happen or be done
      I must get my hair cut.
      我得理发了。I'll never get all this work finished.

    开始 start

    to start doing sth
      I got talking to her.
      我开始与她谈起来。We need to get going soon.

    机会 opportunity

    to have the opportunity to do sth
      He got to try out all the new software.
      他得以试用了所有的新软件。It's not fair─I never get to go first.

    到达 arrive

    to arrive at or reach a place or point
      We got to San Diego at 7 o'clock.
      我们7点钟到达了圣迭戈。You got in very late last night.
      你昨晚回来得很晚。What time did you get here?
      你什么时候到达这儿的?I haven't got very far with the book I'm reading.

    移动;旅行 move/travel

    to move to or from a particular place or in a particular direction, sometimes with difficulty; to make sb/sth do this
      The bridge was destroyed so we couldn't get across the river.
      大桥已经毁坏,我们无法过河了。She got into bed.
      她上床睡觉了。He got down from the ladder.
      他从梯子上下来了。We didn't get (= go) to bed until 3 a.m.
      我们直到凌晨3点才上床睡觉。Where do we get on the bus?
      我们在哪儿上公共汽车?I'm getting off (= leaving the train) at the next station.
      我在下一站下车。Where have they got to (= where are they) ?
      他们到什么地方去了?We must be getting home ; it's past midnight.
      我们得回家了,已过半夜了。The general had to get his troops across the river.
      将军必须让部队过河。We couldn't get the piano through the door.
      我们无法将钢琴搬过这道门。We'd better call a taxi and get you home.
      我们最好叫辆出租车送你回家。I can't get the lid off.
    to use a bus, taxi, plane, etc.
      We're going to be late─let's get a taxi.
      我们要迟到了——咱们坐出租车吧。I usually get the bus to work.

    饭菜 meal

    to prepare a meal
      Who's getting the lunch?
      谁在做中午饭?I must go home and get tea for the kids.
      我得回家为孩子们准备茶点。I must go home and get the kids their tea.

    电话;门 telephone/door

    to answer the telephone or a door when sb calls, knocks, etc.
      Will you get the phone?

    抓住;击中 catch/hit

    to catch or take hold of sb, especially in order to harm or punish them
      He was on the run for a week before the police got him.
      他逃跑一周后警方才将他逮住。to get sb by the arm/wrist/throat
      抓住某人的胳膊 / 手腕;掐住某人的喉咙She fell overboard and the sharks got her.
      她从船上跌入水中被鲨鱼咬了。He thinks everybody is out to get him (= trying to harm him) .
      他认为所有人都想害他。 I'll get you for that!
    to hit or wound sb
      The bullet got him in the neck.

    理解 understand

    to understand sb/sth
      I don't get you.
      我搞不懂你的意思。She didn't get the joke.
      她不明白那笑话的含义。I don't get it─ why would she do a thing like that?
      我不明白——她怎么会干那种事?I get the message ─you don't want me to come.

    发生;存在 happen/exist

    used to say that sth happens or exists
      You get (= There are) all these kids hanging around in the street.
      所有这些孩子都在街上闲逛。They still get cases of typhoid there.

    使困惑 / 烦恼 confuse/annoy

    to make sb feel confused because they do not understand sth
      ‘What's the capital of Bulgaria?’ ‘ You've got me there! ’ (= I don't know) .
    to annoy sb
      What gets me is having to do the same thing all day long.