put through翻译


put through翻译是为…接通电话。


Sales reps also take receptionists out for fancy dinners since these faithful gatekeepers decide which calls get put through to the boss .医药代表也邀请前台招待员出去吃大餐,因为这些忠心耿耿的门卫决定哪些电话应接通给老板。

The first molecule dr linhardt has put through his device is heparan sulphate .林哈特博士在他设备上完成的第一个分子是“硫酸乙酰肝素”。

There is great beauty in them -- not cartoon beauty but evocative landscape drawing put through the filter of animated style .画面有极大的美感不是动画的美感,而是通过动画的滤镜展现出的唤起人回忆的风景画法。

Amanda : you are really put through the wringer at your job interview .阿曼达:你的求职面试真让你折腾了一番。Then it was put through a second time .随后又进行了第二遍润色。Much of the documen-tary evidence against her had been put through the shredder before she was arrested .她被捕前,许多对她不利的文书证据被放进了碎纸机。
