楼梯 英文



stairs 发音:英 [steəz] ,美 [sterz] 翻译:n. 楼梯;梯级(stair 的复数) n. (Stairs)斯泰尔斯(人名)。


1、她从楼梯上摔了下来,被送进了医院。She tumbled down the stairway and was sent to the hospital.

2、一条螺旋楼梯从这座建筑物的底部通到顶部。A spiral stairway leads from the bottom to the top of this building.

3、印第安·乔手里拿着刀,站了一会儿,拿不定主意,然后转身朝楼梯走去。Injun Joe put his hand on his knife, halted a moment, undecided, and then turned toward the stairway.

4、有人用推土机在沙漠里犁了一个两英尺深的瓦斯,挖出了楼梯的砖头和沥青残骸。Someone used a bulldozer and plowed a two-foot-deep gash in the desert, unearthing the brick and bitumen remains of a stairway.

5、在通向地下室的楼梯上,他把灯泡从灯座上拧了下来。On the stairway to the basement, he took the light bulb out of the socket.
