
When you see positive actions,praise immediately so the child will know exactly what behavior was deemed praiseworthy。是不是因为是从句所以这里面有多个动词一般形,比如praise不写成praising,不用变成非谓语动词呢?还有这个know不需要用三单吗?

do sth.
1. Why not do sth? 为什么不做某事 = Why don’t you do sth?
2 had better (not) do sth.最好做/不要做某事
3 let/make/have sb. do sth. 让某人/使某人
3.助动词/情态动词之后+ do sth 否定:情态动词+not do sth.
4.祈使句:Do sth./ Don’t do sth.做某事/不要做某事
5助动词: do does, did, shall will, should would及否定式
情态动词: can could, may might,shall should,will would,must need及否定式(区别:need to do sth.)
6.perfer to do----rather than + V (原型) /would rather do---thando

doing sth.介词(in/ of/about/to/at/for/by/after/before)+doing
(1) 某些动词后只能加ing
1 practise doing 练习做某事
2 enjoy doing 喜欢做某事
3 finish doing 完成,结束做某事
4 mind doing 介意做某事
5 avoid doing 避免做某事
6 keepdoing sth.一直做某事
keep sbdoing 使某人一直做某事
keep sb. from doing sth=stop/ prevent sb.(from)doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
7 can’t help doing 忍不住做某事
8 miss doing 想念/ 错过做某事
9 have fun doing 做某事感到快乐,有趣
10 protect sb. from doing sth.保护某人免受……
(2) 介词+Ving介词后碰到动词一概加ing .(at,in,for, of,to, about, by/after/before ,from against)
1 be good at /do well in擅长于做某事
2 be busy (in) doing 忙于做某事
3 find great pleasure in
4 be interested in
5 spend+时间/钱(in) doing sth. 花…做某事
6 be helpful in/for
7 lose oneself in
8 have problem/difficulty/trouble(in) doing 做某事感到有困难
9 be sorry for
10 use sth for/ be usedfor doing
11 thank you for谢谢做某事
a ticket for doing …的罚单
It’s +time+for sb. for (doing) sth.该是某人做某事的时候了
12 think of /aboutdoing 考虑做某事
13 instead of doing
14 be afraid of害怕做某事(比较be afraid to do sth.害怕去做某事)
15 be fond of/ be proud of
16 be/get used to doing
17 pay attention to注意做某事
18 say no to/
19 prefer doing to doing/look forward to (盼望做某事)
20 what/ how aboutdoing 做某事怎么样?
21 keep away from远离做某事
22 prevent /stop sb (from) doing 阻止做某事
23 warn sb against doing
24 give up doing 放弃做某事
25 feel like doing 想要做某事=want to do/ would like to do sth.
26 there be +sb/sthdoing +地点/时间某地/某时间有某人/某事正在做某事
27 by doing 通过做某事
28 when/after/before doing在做某事时/后/前
29 伴随状语e.g. He is lying on the grass,looking at the sky.
30 动词当主语用doing sth. e.g. Getting up early is good for your health.
31 go doing 去做某事 do some doing
32 consider doing 考虑做某事
33 drop up doing 放弃做某事
34 carry on doing 坚持不懈做某事
35 excuse doing 借口做某事
36 complete doing 完成做某事
37 suggest doing 建议做某事
38 imagine doing想象做某事
39 can’t stand doing
40 be worth doing 值得去做某事
1 V +疑问词+ to do ( V这类动词主要有: find out \ know \ wonder\ tell \ ask \ show \ see \ say \understand(充当主语或宾语)I don’t know what to do./how to do it. (宾语)
2(1)It’s + adj. +for sb. to do sth.做某事对某人来说真是……hthy
(2)It’s + adj.(clever/ stupid/kind/nice)+of sb. to do sth.某人做某事真是……
3 (1) It’s+time+(for sb). to do sth.该是某人做某事的时候了
=It’s +time+for sb. for (doing)sth.该是某人做某事的时候了
(2) It’s the best time/a good season/place to do/fordoing sth.是做某事的最好时间/季节/地点
(3)sth is the best time to do sth …是做某事的最好时间
4 It’s one’s duty to do
5 It is one’s turn + to do
6 it takes sb some time to do 花某人多少时间做某事
It costs sb. some money to do sth.花某人多少钱做某事
7 be+ adj(glad/happy/pleased/sorry)+ + to do做某事很
8 be/get ready to do
9 beable to do sth.能够做某事
10 be + adj.+enough+ to do sth.足够…….去做某事He is not old enough to go toschool.
11 be the first /last to do
12 be used + to do
13 be afraid to do
14 be sure to do
14 do/try one’s best to do
15 refuse + to do
16 makeup one’s mind /decide + to do sth.决定做某事decide on sth.决定某事
17 offer + to do
18 afford + to do. afford to do付得起做某事,能够做某事
19 have + to do不得不做某事/ have…..to do
20 use sth to do
21 plan/ make a plan to do
22 ask/tell sb + (not) to do
23 would like/ want(sb) + to do
24 manage to do设法做某事
25 used + to do = would do
26 take turns to do轮流做某事
27 wish (sb) + to do/hope + to do
28 get sb. to do sth.叫/让某人做某事
29 fail + to do
30 advisesb + to do建议某人做某事
31 encourage sb+ to do
32 take the place of sb todo
33 invite sb + to do
34 agree(sb) + to do同意(某人)做某事
35 happen + to do
36 order sb to do
37 teach sb + to do教某人做某事
38 find/think it + adj (for sb ) + to do发现/认为做某事……
39 can’t wait + to do
40 cause + to do
41 seem to do似乎……
42 warn sb (not) to do
43 lead sb to do
44 too+adj +(for sb) to do太……以致不能……
45 不定代词n /+ to do
46 agood way/time/season to do
47 needto do sth 需要做某事(比较need do sth.)
48use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事
49 go/come to do sth.去/来做某事
50can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事
51to do充当主语,表语,定语,目的状语等
52learn to do sth.学习做某事
53be about + to do
54 trouble + to do
55 deserve + to do
56 allow/permit + to do
57 be made + to do

动词 + to 与 + Ving 的区别
1 like / love to do 表示一次性,或具体的某一次活动
like / love doing 表示习惯性喜欢=爱好
2 hate to do (表示一次性讨厌,具体的某一次讨厌.)
hate doing (表示习惯性讨厌)
3 remember to do (表示记得要做某事------事情未发生)
remember doing (表示记得曾经做过某事------事情已发生)
4 forget to do (表示忘记要做某事------事情未发生)
forget doing (表示忘记曾经做过某事------事情已发生)
5 go on/continue todo (继续做不同的另一件事)
go on/ continuedoing (继续做相同的一件事)
6 try to do (努力,尽力,试图做某事)
try doing (试一试,尝试做某事------不注重结果)
7 mean to do (打算做某事)
mean doing (意味着做某事)
8 stop to do (停下来去做另一件事)
stop doing (停止做原来一直在做的事情)
9 begin / start to do (强调动作的开始)
begin /start doing (强调动作开始以后要继续下去)
10 need to do (需要做某事-------强调主动,主语一般是人)
need doing (需要做某事-------强调被动,主语一般是物)
see/hear/watch/notice sb + V(原形)表示动作已经完成或过去或全过程. see/hear/watch/notice sb+ doing 表动作正在发生
12be used + to do
be used + to doing
used to do
13 learn + to do/ doing
14 prefer + to do/doing
15 can’t help to/doing
16 want to do (要做某事-------强调主动,主语一般是人)
want doing (要做某事--------强调被动,主语一般是物)
17 nice to do/ doing sth.很高兴做某事/做过某事
18(help sb. to do sth.
第1个回答  2020-12-14


第2个回答  2020-12-14
know 前面有will,所以不加-s。追问


