
主要是短语啊 谢谢大家啊

祝酒词:祝酒词是在宴会开宴前,所发表的表示挚诚敬祝的讲话。 格式:1标题。2称谓。3正文:致词人(或代表谁)在什么情况 下,向出席者表示欢迎、感谢和问候;谈成绩、作用、意义;展望未来,联系面临的任务、使命。4结尾常用”请允许我,为谁、为什么而干杯”。
范例 :(酒宴祝词 )今天,在迎来了五年一度的经贸盛会——中国哈尔滨第五届边境、地方经济贸易洽谈会之际,我谨代表洽谈会筹备委员会热烈欢迎国内外工商界新老朋友到会,洽谈贸易和经济技术合作项目,进一步加强相互了解,加深友谊,共同促进双方友好合作的发展,并预祝各位在本届洽谈会上取得丰硕成果。 让我们共同干杯!

1. 短语式祝酒词
To your health!(Good health!)
Bottoms up!
(Here’s)Yo our victory!
To Mr. Li!
All the best!

2. 习语性单句式祝酒词
Down the hatch!
Here’s mud in your eye!
Here’s skin off your nose!
Here’s looking at you!

3. 用drink 和toast组成的单句式祝酒词
I’ll drink to your good health.
I’ll drink to very good health for you.
Let’s drink to his success.
Let’s drink a toast to our friendly co-operation.
I’ll give toast to all the here.
I propose a toast to the friendship between our two countries.
I’ll toast the bride.
Let’s toast ever-lasting peace.

Votre Sante(法语)祝您健康!

回答者:肥竹 - 见习魔法师 三级
第1个回答  2006-06-29
祝酒词:祝酒词是在宴会开宴前,所发表的表示挚诚敬祝的讲话。 格式:1标题。2称谓。3正文:致词人(或代表谁)在什么情况 下,向出席者表示欢迎、感谢和问候;谈成绩、作用、意义;展望未来,联系面临的任务、使命。4结尾常用”请允许我,为谁、为什么而干杯”。
范例 :(酒宴祝词 )今天,在迎来了五年一度的经贸盛会——中国哈尔滨第五届边境、地方经济贸易洽谈会之际,我谨代表洽谈会筹备委员会热烈欢迎国内外工商界新老朋友到会,洽谈贸易和经济技术合作项目,进一步加强相互了解,加深友谊,共同促进双方友好合作的发展,并预祝各位在本届洽谈会上取得丰硕成果。 让我们共同干杯!

1. 短语式祝酒词
To your health!(Good health!)
Bottoms up!
(Here’s)Yo our victory!
To Mr. Li!
All the best!

2. 习语性单句式祝酒词
Down the hatch!
Here’s mud in your eye!
Here’s skin off your nose!
Here’s looking at you!

3. 用drink 和toast组成的单句式祝酒词
I’ll drink to your good health.
I’ll drink to very good health for you.
Let’s drink to his success.
Let’s drink a toast to our friendly co-operation.
I’ll give toast to all the here.
I propose a toast to the friendship between our two countries.
I’ll toast the bride.
Let’s toast ever-lasting peace.

Votre Sante(法语)祝您健康!




1.Here's to your health / success. 为你的健康 / 成功干杯!

2.Here's to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯!

3.Here's to Tom for his new job! 为汤姆的新工作干杯!

二、用health, luck等表示:Good health! Good luck! All the best!例如:

1.Your health, John—May you have a successful time in Manchester 为了你的健康,约翰,也祝你在曼彻斯特前程似锦!

2.Helen raised her glass,“Good luck to you!” she said. 海伦举起酒杯,说道:“祝你好运!”

三、主人或主持人邀客人喝酒时,通常用Cheers! Do the honors!例如:

1.He raised his glass,“May you success! Cheers!” 他举起酒杯说:“祝你成功,干杯!”

2.Pat, you do the honors and propose the toast. 帕特,你敬酒吧。

四、在比较随便的场合,通常用Here's how!还有Happy landing!(美俚,原为空军用语)等。例如:

Oh,come, come,David.Here's how!噢,来呀,来呀,大卫,干杯!


Prosit!(来源于拉丁语,意为May it do good! To your health/ good luck! etc. )

六、在陈述句中,英美语通常用toast,round, drink to,drink a toast for / to, propose a toast for 等词表示。例如:

1.Friends,I'll give you a toast——to our president! 朋友们,我给大家敬酒,为我们总统干杯!

2.I now propose a toast to the friendship between our two people——to our friendship. 现在,我提议为我们两国人民的友谊干杯!

i'd like to propose a toast, to our beloved ***,they're the happiest couple i've ever seen in my whole life.they are meant for each other.~~~~~~~~~~
第2个回答  2006-06-28
祝酒词:祝酒词是在宴会开宴前,所发表的表示挚诚敬祝的讲话。 格式:1标题。2称谓。3正文:致词人(或代表谁)在什么情况 下,向出席者表示欢迎、感谢和问候;谈成绩、作用、意义;展望未来,联系面临的任务、使命。4结尾常用”请允许我,为谁、为什么而干杯”。
范例 :(酒宴祝词 )今天,在迎来了五年一度的经贸盛会——中国哈尔滨第五届边境、地方经济贸易洽谈会之际,我谨代表洽谈会筹备委员会热烈欢迎国内外工商界新老朋友到会,洽谈贸易和经济技术合作项目,进一步加强相互了解,加深友谊,共同促进双方友好合作的发展,并预祝各位在本届洽谈会上取得丰硕成果。 让我们共同干杯!

1. 短语式祝酒词
To your health!(Good health!)
Bottoms up!
(Here’s)Yo our victory!
To Mr. Li!
All the best!

2. 习语性单句式祝酒词
Down the hatch!
Here’s mud in your eye!
Here’s skin off your nose!
Here’s looking at you!

3. 用drink 和toast组成的单句式祝酒词
I’ll drink to your good health.
I’ll drink to very good health for you.
Let’s drink to his success.
Let’s drink a toast to our friendly co-operation.
I’ll give toast to all the here.
I propose a toast to the friendship between our two countries.
I’ll toast the bride.
Let’s toast ever-lasting peace.

Votre Sante(法语)祝您健康!

回答者:肥竹 - 见习魔法师 三级
回答者:1978Kobe - 高级经理 六级 6-27 12:42



1.Here's to your health / success. 为你的健康 / 成功干杯!

2.Here's to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯!

3.Here's to Tom for his new job! 为汤姆的新工作干杯!

二、用health, luck等表示:Good health! Good luck! All the best!例如:

1.Your health, John—May you have a successful time in Manchester 为了你的健康,约翰,也祝你在曼彻斯特前程似锦!

2.Helen raised her glass,“Good luck to you!” she said. 海伦举起酒杯,说道:“祝你好运!”

三、主人或主持人邀客人喝酒时,通常用Cheers! Do the honors!例如:

1.He raised his glass,“May you success! Cheers!” 他举起酒杯说:“祝你成功,干杯!”

2.Pat, you do the honors and propose the toast. 帕特,你敬酒吧。

四、在比较随便的场合,通常用Here's how!还有Happy landing!(美俚,原为空军用语)等。例如:

Oh,come, come,David.Here's how!噢,来呀,来呀,大卫,干杯!


Prosit!(来源于拉丁语,意为May it do good! To your health/ good luck! etc. )

六、在陈述句中,英美语通常用toast,round, drink to,drink a toast for / to, propose a toast for 等词表示。例如:

1.Friends,I'll give you a toast——to our president! 朋友们,我给大家敬酒,为我们总统干杯!

2.I now propose a toast to the friendship between our two people——to our friendship. 现在,我提议为我们两国人民的友谊干杯!
第3个回答  2006-06-27


1.Here's to your health / success. 为你的健康 / 成功干杯!

2.Here's to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯!

3.Here's to Tom for his new job! 为汤姆的新工作干杯!

二、用health, luck等表示:Good health! Good luck! All the best!例如:

1.Your health, John—May you have a successful time in Manchester 为了你的健康,约翰,也祝你在曼彻斯特前程似锦!

2.Helen raised her glass,“Good luck to you!” she said. 海伦举起酒杯,说道:“祝你好运!”

三、主人或主持人邀客人喝酒时,通常用Cheers! Do the honors!例如:

1.He raised his glass,“May you success! Cheers!” 他举起酒杯说:“祝你成功,干杯!”

2.Pat, you do the honors and propose the toast. 帕特,你敬酒吧。

四、在比较随便的场合,通常用Here's how!还有Happy landing!(美俚,原为空军用语)等。例如:

Oh,come, come,David.Here's how!噢,来呀,来呀,大卫,干杯!


Prosit!(来源于拉丁语,意为May it do good! To your health/ good luck! etc. )

六、在陈述句中,英美语通常用toast,round, drink to,drink a toast for / to, propose a toast for 等词表示。例如:

1.Friends,I'll give you a toast——to our president! 朋友们,我给大家敬酒,为我们总统干杯!

2.I now propose a toast to the friendship between our two people——to our friendship. 现在,我提议为我们两国人民的友谊干杯!
第4个回答  2006-06-29
i'd like to propose a toast, to our beloved ***,they're the happiest couple i've ever seen in my whole life.they are meant for each other.~~~~~~~~~~