

1. Why did you choose to come to China? Can you share the reasons behind your decision?
2. Why do you enjoy living in China? Please provide some specific details to support your answer.
3. What inspired you to become a teacher? Follow up with why you preferred teaching at a school over other institutions.
4. Why did you select this school to teach at, as opposed to a training center or pursuing a career in medicine?
5. If you mentioned a liking for China's scenery, how about considering a career as a photographer? What made you choose teaching instead?
6. Can you describe your plans for the next year, five years, and ten years?
7. Do you agree that parents are the best teachers? Why do you think so?
8. In recent years, the convenience of food preparation has changed. Has this improvement enhanced people's lifestyles?
9. If you agree, you might add that food preparation can be a valuable opportunity for family communication, and the rise of fast food has contributed to an increase in health issues like obesity.
10. What is your perspective on the sale of unhealthy food to Chinese consumers? If you disagree, discuss how the time-saving aspect of convenience foods has contributed to the emancipation of women.
11. Regardless of the answer, continue by asking if they believe women should have equal roles in society or if they support a more traditional, male-dominated approach.