

1. The word for "chicken" in English is "chicken".
2. The English pronunciation of "chicken" is [ˈtʃɪkɪn] (UK) and [ˈtʃɪkən] (US).
3. "Chicken" can refer to a domestic fowl, a dish made from chicken meat, or metaphorically, a coward or someone who is timid.
4. Example sentence: If you choose to dine here, you should try the Caribbean chicken and pineapple crepes.
5. "Fowl" is another word for birds of prey, but it can also mean any type of domestic poultry, including chickens.
6. "Chook" is a slang term for a chicken, commonly used in Australian English.
7. Revised sentence: After 30 minutes, we can unlock the flameout reboiler to find that the chicken has been cooking to perfection, tender and ready to be served.