看得出这是一份法律文件,委托授权书 (Power of Attorney).
先把能够认得出的文字,大概能够估计出来的字,写出来。看不清的就用 ???代表。内容如下包括):
(??? All ??? ??? I, Yin Ni Qiang do hereby ??? appoints ??? as my lawful attorney as to the followings:- (虽然不全,但是一般的委托授权书的开头这段文字其实大概意思就是说: 我,某某,委托 谁谁 作为我的法律代表人,来处理以下的事项:)
1. To appear as my (???person) and represent me in all form. (以我个人名义出现并在所有情况之下代表我)
2. To present the case of fraud against XXX as petitioned on May 15th 2017 ??? C.T. ?. (去陈述那起在2017年5月15日提起的诈骗案件。CT? 可能是一个编号或者对方代码)
3. To sign all doucments in respect of the subject matter and also ??? appoint a solicitor for the said case. (去签署所有与该案件的相关文件和为案件委任一名律师)
4. To do all thing that attorney shall think advisable, lawful and ???. (去做出一些该委托人认为应该做的,合法的(一些事情;看不清,但意思应该是这样)
5. This Power of Attorney takes immidiate effect until further notice. (这个委托书一经发出立即生效,直到另行通知为止)
Dated this 3rd Day of April, 2018 (签订委托书的日期是)
Name: HUANG JIAN(名字) Name: STEVEN AU (名字)
SIGN: (签字) SIGN: (签字)
DATE: 03/04/2018 (日期) DATE:03/04/2018
BEFORE ME (在我的面前;意思是在我的面前签字了)
(盖章 和 有人 签字)(这个应该是一个有身份地位的律师、公证人,但是内容看不清了)