tell me about your hometown 帮我用英文简单的介绍一下深圳 就OK了


Shenzhen is a beautiful harbor city. There are various charming beaches along the east and west coasts of Shenzhen. Under the sunshine, the sea has many colors, dark blue, jade green, yellow and white.
Shenzhen is a fun city. There are many theme parks around Shenzhen Bay, including the Window of the World, Happy Valley and Splendid China. My favorite is the Window of the World. You can visit the Eiffel Tower, the White House, the Japanese Palace and the pyramids all in one day. Is it magical?
Shenzhen is a modern city. There are many tall buildings in the city center. The landmark of Shenzhen is “the Diwang Commercial Building”. It’s a green skyscraper that looks like two pens with sharp nibs pointing to the sky.
Shenzhen is a garden city. Spring is nice and warm. Every morning, you would find little birds singing at your window. When summer comes, there are always lots of shady trees to shade you from the hot sunshine.In autumn, you would see the reedbucks decorating the streets with their beautiful purple petals. Shenzhen has no winter. It is always warm.
Shenzhen is a young city. Most of the people living there are also very young.
第1个回答  2015-02-02
Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, another name, deputy provincial city, regional center of nationalChinese City, International Garden City, one of the four major first-tier cities China. Located south GuangdongProvince, the east coast of the Pearl River Delta, and Hongkong across the border, east of Dayawan and Dapeng Bay, on the west by the Pearl River Estuary and Lingdingyang estuary, south of Shenzhen River andconnected to the Hongkong, North and Dongguan, bordering Huizhou.
Shenzhen is the first special economic zone established since the reform and opening up is Chinese China,reform and opening up the window, has developed into a certain influence on the internationalization of the city, has created the famous "Shenzhen speed", also entitled "design", "city of piano", "a guest city" reputation.

深圳,别称鹏城 ,广东省副省级市,中国国家区域中心城市,国际花园城市,中国四大一线城市之一。地处广东省南部,珠江三角洲东岸,与香港一水之隔,东临大亚湾和大鹏湾,西濒珠江口和伶仃洋,南边深圳河与香港相连,北部与东莞、惠州接壤。
深圳是中国改革开放以来所建立的第一个经济特区,是中国改革开放的窗口 ,已发展为有一定影响力的国际化城市,创造了举世瞩目的“深圳速度”,同时享有“设计之都”、“钢琴之城”、“创客之城”等美誉。
第2个回答  推荐于2018-04-26
I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.  本回答被提问者采纳