

We do not require the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT for international first-year applicants; however, if you would like to be considered for a merit scholarship, SAT and/or ACT scores must be submitted with your first-year application.
USD’s minimum score requirements are 80 on the TOEFL iBT and 6.5 on the IELTS.
如果你提交的SAT 阅读大于520分的话,是可以免托福成绩的,以下情况也是可以免托福成绩
We can waive the English proficiency requirement if you can satisfy one of the following:
SAT Critical Reading score of 520 or higher
Enrolled in AP English or International Baccalaureate (IB) English
Currently attending high school in the US and have been enrolled in mainstream English all four years
Received a grade “C” or better in college level English Composition II (or its equivalent) at an accredited US college or university
A score of “C” or better on the UK system A-levels English Exam

美国的大学并不像楼下所说的那样50-100绝大部分不需要ACT 或者SAT成绩,相反很多都是需要SAT和ACT的成绩的。
第1个回答  2015-11-17

    一般只有前50名左右的学校才需要ACT,然后加上托福成绩和高中成绩, 50名-100名的学校绝大部分是不需要ACT个SAT的,只需要托福成绩和高中成绩,具体ACT需要多少分是27还是28或者更高,直接去学校官方网站上一查就知道了



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