Could not connect是什么意思


Could not connect
vt.连接,联结; 使…有联系; 为…接通电话; 插入插座;
vi.连接; 建立关系; [体]成功击中;

How did you connect with tudou?
第1个回答  2015-10-15

例句:1. The discussion server could not connect to the metadata server. 讨论服务器无法连接到元数据服务器.
2. Could not connect to the specified address.
3.Name Server Provider Interface (NSPI) Proxy listener thread could not connect to the server on transport.名称服务器提供程序接口(NSPI)代理侦听线程无法在进行传输时连接到此服务器。
4.Then, the user receives an error message that Windows Media Player could not connect to the server.然后,用户收到一条错误信息,指出Windows Media Player无法连接到服务器。
5.The remote client cannot connect to the server.远程客户能连接到服务器。
6.Communicator could not connect to the directory server XX to retrieve preference information.通信器无法连接到目录服务器XX,因此无法检索首选项信息。
7.The server instance cannot connect to its partner.服务器实例无法与其伙伴建立连接。
8.The service process could not connect to the service controller.服务进程无法连接到服务控制器上。
9.Could not connect to the OMS:possible error in the configuration file.请问配置文件在哪?什么名字?
Could not connect to the oms:possible error in the configuration filed.是什么文件出现错误?请指教!
10.The Knowledge Consistency Checker could not connect to the local directory server to start the check. Verify that the directory service is started.知识一致性检查程序无法连接到本地目录服务器以便启动检查。请验证目录服务是否已启动。
11.The client could not connect. You cannot connect to the console from a console session of the same computer.客户端无法连接,您无法从同一台计算机的控制台会话连接到控制台。
12.Could not connect to port device %1.无法连接到端口设备%251。
13.Could not connect to DCOP-Server.无法连接到DCOP服务器。
14.A connection to the server could not be made because the limit on the number of concurrent connections for this account has been reached.因为已达到此帐户的最大同时连接数限制,所以无法连接服务器。
15.Not connected to the database server.没有连接到数据库服务器。
16.Do not connect to the selected printers.不连接到所选打印机。
17.The server could not bind to the transport %1.服务器无法与%251传输相绑定。
18.The server is in another FORTEZZA domain, you cannot connect to it.此服务器处在另一个FORTEZZA域中,无法与它进行连接。
19.The connection to the server timed out.与服务器间的连接超时。
20.Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) could not connect to any DNS servers.简单邮件传输协议(SMTP)无法连接到任何DNS服务器。