
and的前要有形容词比如beautiful flowers and vase 中beautiful修饰的是flowers还是vase,还有and属于连词,却经常出现这样的句子wild animals shoud be left in the wild and not used for entainment.and 后没有接完整的句子,是省略的用法吗?好像又和省略规则不太一样,not 省略should be ?那是对be的否定?句子意思是懂!但是....求解答

abeautiful flowers and vasend
中的and是并列连接flowers 和vasend表示美丽的花和花瓶,beautiful用来修饰flowers。
wild animals shoud be left in the wild and not used for entainment
shoud be left in the wild 和 not used for entainment的主语都是wild animals用and作并列连词把两句连起来。
中间没有省略should be。
分开是这样的wild animals shoud be left in the wild 。wild animals not used for entainment

1. 连接两个相同的比较级,表示“越来越……”。如:
It moves faster and faster. 它动得越来越快。
Your work is getting better and better. 你的工作干得越来越好了。
2. 连接两个相同的动词,表示动作的反复或连续。如:
He coughed and coughed. 他咳个不停。
He tried and tried but without success. 他试了又试,但没有成功。
3. 连接两个相同的名词,表示“许多”或“有各种各样的” (即有好的也有坏的)。如:They talked for hours and hours. 他们谈了很长时间。
There are books and books. 有各种各样的书(即书有好坏之分)。
4. 在口语中用在 come, go, run, stay, stop, try 等之后表示目的(and 在此相当于不定式符号 to)。如:
Come and have a look. 来看一看。
We will try and get one tomorrow. 我们明天设法弄一个来。
We ought to stop and think. 我们应该停下来想一想。
Will you go and fetch me some paper, please? 请你去给我拿点纸来好吗?
以上动词除 try 只能用原形外,其它动词都可有多种形式。如:
正:We stayed and had a drink with him. 我们留下来同他喝了一杯。
正:We stopped and bought some flowers. 我们停下来买了些花。
误:He tried and finished the work in time.
注:在 come, go 之后的 and 有时可以省略(尤其在美国英语中)。如:
I’ll come (and) see you later. 我晚些时候再来看你。
5. 用在祈使句后,表示结果,意为“那么”(暗示一种条件)。如:
Work hard and you’ll pass the examinations (=If you work
hard, you’ll pass the examinations). 努力吧,你考试会及格的。
Arrive late once more and you’re fired (=If you arrivelate once more, you’re fired). 再迟到一次,就把你开除。
One more step and I will fire. 你再动一步,我就要开枪了。
6. 用在 good, nice, fine 等之后,表示“很”、“挺”。如:
It’s nice and cool under the tree. 这树下很凉快。
The book is nice and expensive. 这本书很贵。
7. 在主从复合句中,不要在主句前误加 and。如:
正:If it rains, we’ll stay at home.
误:If it rains, and we’ll stay at home.
8. 某些用 and 连接的两个词,与汉语顺序相反,不要按汉语词序,要颠倒过来。如:
rich and poor 贫富 land and water 水陆
right and left 左右 north and south 南北
food and drink 饮食 food and clothing 衣食
9. 比较以下各组句子有无连词 and 的差别:
正:The weather being fine, we went out for a walk.
正:The weather was fine, and we went out for a walk.
正:In the classroom there are five people, the teacher included.
正:In the classroom there are five people, and the teacher was included.
他有两个小孩,都很顽皮(from www.hxen.com)。
正:He has two children, both of whom are naughty.
正:He has two children, and both of them are naughty.追问

既然and连接2个句子,但wild animals not used for entainment 不是句子呀?!


哦,是这样的wild animals is not used for entainment 少打一个is


