

愚公家门前有两座大山挡着路,他决心把山平掉,另一个“聪明”的智叟笑他太傻, 认为不能。愚公说:“我死了有儿子,儿子死了还有孙子,子子孙孙无穷无尽的,又何必担心挖不平呢?”后因感动天帝,所以天帝命夸娥氏的两个儿子搬走两座山。比喻无论遇到什么困难,只要有毅力就可以成功。
译:The foolish old man in front of the house there are two mountains in the way, he decided to send the Shan Ping away, another "smart" wise old man laughed at him stupid, don't think. The old man said: "I'm dead son, son and grandson, generation after generation of descendants of the inexhaustible, why bother dug injustice?" After moved heaven, so the two son of emperor life boast e's move the two mountains. Analogy no matter what difficulties, as long as perseverance will succeed.