
More and more people are deciding 1. __________ (get) out of the rat race. This means they want 2. to __________(stop) 3. __________(walk) in an office and move out of the city.
So, what are people doing instead of a 9-5 job? Well, many people hope 4.__________(set up) their own business. Perhaps they enjoy 5. __________ (cook) for friends and have decided 6. __________ (open) a cafe. Some people just want 7. __________(spend) time 8. __________ (learn) something new.
Gill Yates and her husband, Jim, hated 9. __________(get up)every morning at 6 a.m. and 10. __________ (catch) the train to London. They spend more hours 11. __________(travel) than 12. __________ (work). They really liked 13. __________ (sail) and
14. __________ (surf) so they decide 15. __________ (move) to Cornwall, in the south-west of England and they started a business 16. __________ (teach) other people to sail and surf Gill says, Tt's important to try to be happy with your life. You only get it once!”

1-5 to get, stop, walking, to set up, cooking。
6-10 to open, to spend, learning, getting up, catching。
11-16 traveling, working, sailing, surfing, to move, to teache。