would have done的意思是什么?


would have done 在语法时态上称作“过去将来完成时。”
I thought Sophia would have told you something. 我想索菲娅会已告诉你一些情况。
He knew by the time he arrived she would have gone home. 他知道他到时她会已经回家。
实际上,这个所谓的过去将来时很常见,只是不以“时态”为主,而是以“语态”为要 —— 虚拟语态。would have done 是很常用的假设表达方式,用在对已经发生的事表达不可能发生的看法(假设)。比如,车祸已经发生。在谈论时常会表达希望此事不曾发生:
I'm sorry for the loss of the ambassador. I wish this would not have happened. 我为失去这位大使感到惋惜,真希望这件事不曾发生。
The accident would not have happened if the airplane had arrived on time. 假如这趟飞机正点到达,这一车祸或许不会发生。
第1个回答  2022-09-19
Would have done 的意思是:本来会做的。
第2个回答  2023-09-07
would have done 是过去将来完成时,常用来表示对已经发生过行为的假设。